Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Russell Construction of External World †Free Samples to Students
Question: Talk about the Russell Construction of External World. Answer: Introductrion: Three interests, straightforward however overwhelmingly solid have administered my life: the yearning for affection, the quest for information, and insufferable pity for the enduring of humanity. The above cited lines of Bertrand Russell plainly diagram the idea of his work and the perspective which guided his major philosophical work. It is to be noticed that the class of theory is a wide one and continues changing keeping in see the changing idea of the philosophical subject itself (Rodrguez-Consuegra). Consequently, one specific part of reasoning which was satisfactory at one purpose of time probably won't be worthy at another purpose of time. In the assessment of George Bernard Shaw verbalized in his popular play Man and Superman The sensible man adjusts to the world: the absurd one continues attempting to adjust the world to himself. In this manner all advancement relies upon the preposterous man. This announcement of Shaw is an appropriate record of the sentiment which the individuals regularly hold against the thinkers. This specific paper plans to reveal insight into the persona of Bertrand Russell and his methods of reasoning. Bertrand Arthur William Russell, third Earl Russell (1892-1970) was conceived in the Monmouthshire territory of the United Kingdom (Fritz Jr). He hailed from a noble family and in this manner got the best nature of instruction which was accessible at that specific purpose of time (Fritz Jr). He is one of the significant savants of his time and a large number of the methods of reasoning propounded by him are still being used today. As he would like to think, he was a liberal, a communist and a conservative anyway in the later piece of his life he said that he had never been any of these things, in any significant sense (Russell). In any case, in the ongoing occasions he is increasingly well known as the victor of the Nobel Prize in Literature in the year 1950 (Nobelprize.org). He learned at the Trinity College, Cambridge and later instructed at a similar school. He is likewise well known as the instructor of the celebrated writer and pundit T.S. Eliot and for having an unsanctioned ro mance with the spouse of Eliot Vivienne Haigh-Wood (Fritz Jr). It is to be noticed that this specific issue made a lot of injury Eliot and was answerable for the mental meltdown which he had at that specific purpose of time. It is to ne noticed that Russell was one of the most agent figures of the twentieth century and a large number of his fills in just as methods of reasoning are still being used today. It is to be noticed that the name of Russell is renowned for his rebel against the idea of vision. Truly he was one of the pioneers of the twentieth rebel against the statutes of vision. Notwithstanding this he is well known as one of the originators of the class of diagnostic way of thinking alongside his forerunner Gottlob Frege, partner G. E. Moore and protg Ludwig Wittgenstein (Roberts). He is likewise broadly rumored as one of the spearheading philosophers of the twentieth century (Roberts). His joint community oriented work with A. N. Whitehead for the book Principia Mathematica is an impression of this viewpoint (Rodrguez-Consuegra). What's more, his commitment towards the different kinds of theory is likewise noteworthy to note. One of his most celebrated works On Denoting is frequently viewed as perhaps the best work written in the twentieth century identified with the class of reasoning (Roberts). In the assessment of numerous researchers, his work has impacted arithmetic, rationale, set hypothesis, semantics, computerized reasoning, intellectual science, software engineering (see type hypothesis and type framework) and theory, particularly the way of thinking of language, epistemology and transcendentalism (Rodrguez-Consuegra). Discussing the idea of his work and the significance of his own work he said I loathed this present reality and looked for shelter in an ageless world, without change or rot or the will-o-the-wisp of progress (Russell). Russell is likewise acclaimed for his dissent against the strategy of colonialism embraced by the United Kingdom and the different countries of the world in the early piece of the twentieth century (Roberts). He is likewise popular for his enemy of war fights which he made in a few of his scholarly fills in just as flyers. The assessment of Russell explained in his collection of memoirs The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell I discovered jail from multiple points of view very pleasing. I had no commitment, no troublesome choices to make, no dread of guests, no interferences to my work. I read immensely; I composed a book, Prologue to Mathematical Philosophy... what's more, started the work for Examination of Mind (Russell). It is intriguing to take note of that he was even sent to jail by the legislative experts for his extreme perspectives and purposeful publicity. What's more, he supported preventive atomic war, before the open door gave by the nuclear syndication had passed and inv ited with energy world government and was a functioning dissident of the oppressive rule of Hitler (Jager). In any case, it is noteworthy to take note of that despite the fact that Russell for his entire life was an enemy of war dissenter however in the later piece of his life he concurred that the war with Hitler was a vital and was done so as to secure the interests of the world. It is an impression of these changed commitments made by him that he was granted the Nobel Prize in Literature in the year 1950 in acknowledgment of his shifted and noteworthy compositions in which he champions compassionate goals and opportunity of thought (Nobelprize.org). It is noteworthy to take note of that Russell was an eminent mathematician of his time and he was even piece of a little gathering of mathematicians which involved any semblance of Karl Weierstrass, Georg Cantor, and Richard Dedekind. Russell and his companions of this specific gathering planned for giving arithmetic a lot of intelligently thorough establishments (Jager). In the assessment of numerous researchers it was the relationship with this specific gathering that finished in his most celebrated numerical work The Principles of Mathematics (1903). Russell himself proclaimed his later philosophical attempts to be a retreat from Pythagoras (Jager). It was this specific activity of Russell which offered ascend to the Catch 22 that is currently generally called by the name of Russells Paradox. Another idea propounded by Russell, which have increased a lot of prominence in the ongoing occasions is the idea of Platonic perspective on rationale (Hylton). It is huge to take note of that this idea was explained by his other contemporary Frege also, with whom he had a distinction of conclusion. The name of Russell is regularly connected with the different parts of reasoning anyway he is generally renowned as one of the establishing individuals from the philosophical kind of explanatory way of thinking (Jager). It is huge to take note of that the greater part of his works were motivated by the work just as the ways of thinking of Gottfried Leibniz (Jager). Be that as it may, in the assessment of the current researchers just as rationalists his commitment was progressively conspicuous in the field of power, the rationale and the way of thinking of arithmetic, the way of thinking of language, morals and epistemology (Rodrguez-Consuegra). The assessment of Russell himself with respect to his aesthetical and philosophical works is noteworthy to take note of my companions disclose to me it has not deflected me from composing on different subjects (Eames). In the assessment of numerous individuals, in the field of morals the perspectives on Russell had a place with the class of Ut ilitarianism (Rodrguez-Consuegra). He was likewise a functioning advocator of the privileges of the people and all the more explicitly the privilege to opportunity of articulation of the people in the general public. His philosophical work The Will To Doubt expresses that None of our convictions are very evident; all have in any event an obscuration of ambiguity and mistake. The strategies for expanding the level of truth in our beliefsin science, and have developed the assemblage of logical information (Russell). He moreover says in a similar work Every man of science whose standpoint is genuinely logical is prepared to admitmens mentality is speculative and loaded with question (Russell). It is noteworthy to take note of that this specific work of Russell is as probably the best work of the twentieth century which advocates for the different key privileges of the people. He gives an outline of his philosophical perspectives in his work The Philosophy of Logical Atomism by saying t hat My longing and wish is that the things I start with ought to be evident to such an extent that you wonder why I invest my energy expressing them. This is the thing that I focus on the grounds that the purpose of philosophy.to end with something so dumbfounding that nobody will trust it (Russell). In his strict viewpoint Russell was a freethinker and didn't have faith in the different statutes of religion. The assessment of Russell verbalized in his own personal history The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell is noteworthy to note here Along these lines, with respect to the Olympic divine beings, addressing an absolutely philosophical crowd, I would state that I am an Agnostic. In any case, talking famously, I feel that we all would state with respect to those divine beings that we were Atheists. As to the Christian God, I should, I think, take the very same line (Russell). He further proceeds to state that And if there were a God, I think it impossible that He would have such an uncomfortable vanity as to be outraged by the individuals who question His reality (Russell). In his viewpoint towards society he followed the arrangement of radicalism and proactively challenged the different types of shameful acts which he found in the general public around himself. A common case of t his is his dissent against the strategy of colonialism and war which shaped a significant piece of the general public of the twentieth century (Hylton). It is critical to note here that Russell had faith in the idea of logical society and said about the equivalent in his collection of memoirs that a logical society is where war would be annulled, populace development would be restricted, and thriving would be shared (Rodrguez-Consuegr
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Modern Accounting Systems Free Essays
Present day Accounting Systems Marcello F. Pirrelli Introduction to Accounting †ACC 205 Professor: Beher Haski 01 October 2012 Part I: Introduction Over the years, through experimentation, present day bookkeeping frameworks have changed for both the better and more regrettable. Present day bookkeeping frameworks satisfy the fundamental bookkeeping needs while offering expanded precision in following patterns, empowering joint effort and giving speedy access to information. We will compose a custom exposition test on Present day Accounting Systems or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now Automated arrangements offer the customary exchange preparing, characterization of information and revealing while all the while expanding the scope of contributions to give a more clear and increasingly thorough image of the monetary strength of an organization (Gambling, 1975). The point I chose for this exploration paper is the means by which current record frameworks have had any kind of effect in present day associations. Before taking this course I was uncertain of how bookkeeping was utilized in organizations or the manner in which it was arranged. I aquired huge measure of knowledging from taking this class, from dissecting exchanges to using bookkeeping groups accurately (Gordon, 1937). During my secondary school and early school years I utilized exceed expectations spreadsheets for different ventures, however never did I need to use them to the degree I did in my Accoungting class. I figured out how to effective make asset reports, salary explanations, thus significantly more. In conclusion, the cirriculum gave empowered me to effectively utilize distinctive bookkeeping records to make fruitful and reasonable business fiscal report. Current innovation and frameworks are making bookkeeping forms more cost proficient, which in this way fortifies an organizations capacity to build their benefits. Part II: Body Whether a little corner-store or enormous multimillion dollar associations, every wa made with its own advancements dependent on their accept of having the best record viewpoints. They were fruitful for a brief timeframe by applying new costs, for example, JIT frameworks, which indicated a huge improvement of their expense and planning frameworks. Their sociological viewpoint can be comprehended as a perspective that centers around people in an organization, yet all in all gathering or society (Romney, 2011). Nonetheless, sadly numerous defects and late innovation eased back their advancement down with numerous blemishes that could have been improved with their estimation of present day the board accounts frameworks. The fundamental change has been the measure of cash spent by associations. Before, organizations huge or little required twelve bookkeeping representatives so as to set up all reports physically, and obviously this was tedious which produced enormous pay payout. Today, little and enormous organizations utilize current electronic programming on PCs that can play out a progressively exact detail accommodation. This new innovation possibly requires a little gathering of individuals if not a couple of individuals playing out the bookkeeping segment, which limits the cash spent on employing faculty. What's more, another factor to consider when discussing present day account frameworks is interminable stock frameworks (PTS). This controls the stock in all stores and fundamental distribution center by single sweeps. The sweeps originate from the clerk ringing the product which is consequently added to the request sheets. Bigger organizations, for example, Wal-Mart and Target furnished the business floor representatives with handheld PCs that track in store stock just as stock controls. These moderns’ scanners control the activities of the organization, as representatives work items to deals floor every thing is checked and followed, at that point requested naturally if necessary. While working at Wal-Mart, every representative was required to convey in any event one for each division. The handheld was the stand for the whole store. Whenever gave stock controls, checking and requesting techniques. Just as records forms that would permit the representative to make worksheets to sign in numbers and just as working expense. These handhelds are expensive and very force as a work station, which makes them valuable and most improved present day accounts frameworks to date (Romney, 2011). Notwithstanding innovation refreshed to improve accounts frameworks, the assets of organizations have additionally been refreshed by the advanced changes in associations. The manner in which data is handled and how rapidly it very well may be changed or refreshed has improved business exchanges. Budgetary data is accessible to associations quicker and simpler by essentially composing the required information. The organization can comprehend they data quicker and simpler without looking through many book records and years. These advanced records frameworks and the quicker information have improved expense and finance, for example, how quick workers can be paid (Gordon, 1937). The cutting edge account frameworks likewise have numerous defects as it did before. Despite the fact that our measure of time and work spent has been diminished by utilizing gadgets doesn’t mean mistakes despite everything don't exist. Since the data is conveyed a lot quicker, the absence of seeing how to utilize the data has been disregarded (Gambling, 1975). The quickly developing innovation has not been shown property by huge associations since it is becoming unreasonably quick for workers and managers to stay aware of. The old method of utilizing account frameworks was moderate, however the absences of blunders were thin in light of the fact that they altogether comprehend the inward operations of how their frameworks functioned. Both human and electronic information controls how mistakes are a factor in new bookkeeping frameworks contrasted with more established frameworks where every archive was manually written and checked by people as it were. Part 1 gave a great deal of understanding with respect to accounts frameworks and the key capacities they played in the â€Å"checks and balances†procedure of accounting. From addressing people in the bookkeeping vocation field, to burdening specialists and in the middle of, these all given great references to me. When managing business exchanges a wide range of elements are utilized. The beneath model is from (Horngren, Harrison, Oliver, 2012) |Cash |Accounts receivable |Office supplies |Land |Liabilities |Owner’s value |Type of Owner’s Equity exchanges | |Balance |21,900 |2000 |500 | |200 |35,200 | |(11) |-2,000 |-2,000 |Owner withdrawal | |Balance |19,9000 |2000 |500 | |200 |33,200 | Such as exchanges 1: beginning the business, this is significant as it shows proprietor speculation which can increment or decline resources. Exchange 2: acquisition of land or tenant contracts, which additionally includes resources, value and liabilities to the announcement. Exchange 3: acquisition of office supplies, which is significant for the prosperity of the business, this builds the liabilities, creditor liabilities exchanges. Exchange 4: procuring of administration income, this increases the value of owner’s value, and capital. Exchange 5: acquiring of administration income on account which this enhances the owner’s value. Exchange 6: installment of costs, this can be exchanges, for example, worker pay rates, utilities and lease, which deducts from the owner’s value. Exchange 7: installment of records which is installments or rental installments, this likewise takes away assets from money and liabilities. Exchange 8 depends on close to home exchanges. Exchanges 9: assortment on accounts which is marked as records receivable which paid from customers for work performed. Exchanges 10: is the offer of land, which deducted from the land class. At last, exchange 11: withdrawal of money, this is the point at which the proprietor pulls back money from the record for individual utilize as it were. Part III: Conclusion In the course of the most recent 5 weeks, I have adapted so much important data that will assist me with improving my work aptitudes when I enter a vocation and my own utilization. Over the up and coming years, innovation will change and improve significantly more than it needs to permit us to get to bookkeeping frameworks faster and simpler. Since this class I have figured out how to plan archives and fiscal summaries. This course has additionally improved my present circumstance, since working in retail it is difficult to comprehend the internal functions of organizations, yet having this significant data improves the manner in which I can carry out my responsibility. Through experimentation current record frameworks improved our essential and propelled bookkeeping needs and verifiable information gives proof that cutting edge innovation and frameworks have and keep on making bookkeeping forms more cost proficient. Part IV: References Gambling, T. (1975). Present day Accounting. Charlotte, NC: MacMillan. Gordon, D. W. (1937). Current Accounting Systems. Osmania Univ: John Wiley And Sons Inc. Horngren, C. , Harrisons, W. T. Oliver, M. S. (2007). Bookkeeping (ninth Ed). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Romney, M. B. (2011). Bookkeeping Information Systems (twelfth Ed). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall. The most effective method to refer to Modern Accounting Systems, Essay models
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Industry vs. Inferiority in Psychosocial Development
Industry vs. Inferiority in Psychosocial Development Theories Psychosocial Psychology Print Industry vs. Inferiority in Psychosocial Development Stage Four of Psychosocial Development By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on April 21, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on December 08, 2019 Psychosocial Development Overview Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Initiative vs. Guilt Industry vs. Inferiority Identity vs. Confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Generativity vs. Stagnation Integrity vs. Despair Industry versus inferiority is the fourth stage of Erik Eriksons theory of psychosocial development, which happens after the third stage of initiative versus guilt. The stage occurs during childhood between the ages of approximately six and eleven.?? Overview Psychosocial Conflict: Industry vs. InferiorityMajor Question: How can I be good?Basic Virtue: CompetenceImportant Event(s): School Verywell / Nusha Ashjaee Industry vs. Inferiority According to Erikson’s theory, people progress through a series of stages as they develop and grow. Unlike many other developmental theories, Erikson’s addresses changes that occur across the entire lifespan, from birth to death. Psychosocial theory does not focus on the obvious physical changes that occur as children grow up, but rather on the socioemotional factors that influence an individuals psychological growth.?? At each point in development, people cope with a psychosocial crisis. In order to resolve this crisis, children and adults are faced with mastering the developmental task primarily to that stage. If this skill is successfully achieved, it leads to an ability that contributes to lifelong well-being. For example, achieving trust is the primary task of the very first stage of development.?? It is an ability that contributes to emotional health throughout life during both childhood and adulthood. Failing to master these critical tasks, however, can result in social and emotional struggles that last a lifetime. So what exactly happens during the industry versus inferiority stage? What factors contribute to overall success at this point in development? What are some of the major events that contribute to psychosocial growth? The Social World Expands School and social interaction play an important role during this time of a child’s life.?? A childs social world expands considerably as they enter school and gain new friendships with peers. Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments and abilities. During the earlier stages, a child’s interactions centered primarily on caregivers, family members, and others in their immediate household. As the school years begin, the realm of social influence increases dramatically. Friends and classmates play a role in how children progress through the industry versus inferiority stage. Through proficiency at play and schoolwork, children are able to develop a sense of competence and pride in their abilities. By feeling competent and capable, children are able to also form a strong self-concept. During social interactions with peers, some children may discover that their abilities are better than those of their friends or that their talents are highly prized by others.?? This can lead to feelings of confidence. In other cases, kids may discover that they are not quite as capable as the other kids, which can result in feelings of inadequacy. Schoolwork Helps Build Competency and Confidence At earlier stages of development, children were largely able to engage in activities for fun and to receive praise and attention. Once school begins, actual performance and skill are evaluated. Grades and feedback from educators encourage kids to pay more attention to the actual quality of their work. During the industry versus inferiority stage, children become capable of performing increasingly complex tasks. As a result, they strive to master new skills. Children who are encouraged and commended by parents and teachers develop a feeling of competence and belief in their abilities. Those who receive little or no encouragement from parents, teachers, or peers will doubt their ability to be successful. Children who struggle to develop this sense of competence may emerge from this stage with feelings of failure and inferiority. This can set the stage for later problems in development. People who dont feel competent in their ability to succeed may be less likely to try new things and more likely to assume that their efforts will not measure up under scrutiny. The Events of This Stage Can Help Build or Undermine Self-Confidence According to Erikson, this stage is vital in developing self-confidence.?? During school and other social activities, children receive praise and attention for performing various tasks such as reading, writing, drawing, and solving problems. Kids who do well in school are more likely to develop a sense of competence and confidence. They feel good about themselves and their ability to succeed. Children who struggle with schoolwork may have a harder time developing these feelings of sureness. Instead, they may be left with feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. How Can Parents and Teachers Foster Success During the Industry vs. Inferiority Stage? At this stage, it is important for both parents and teachers to offer support and encouragement. However, adults should be careful not to equate achievement with acceptance and love. Unconditional love and support from adults can help all children through this stage, but particularly those who may struggle with feelings of inferiority. Children who are overpraised, on the other hand, might develop a sense of arrogance. Clearly, balance plays a major role at this point in development. Parents can help kids develop a sense of realistic competence by avoiding excessive praise and rewards, encouraging efforts rather than outcome, and helping kids develop a growth mindset. Even if children struggle in some areas of school, encouraging kids in areas in which they excel can help foster feelings of competence and achievement.?? Example Perhaps the best way to visualize how the industry vs inferiority stage might impact a child is to look at an example. Imagine two children in the same 4th-grade class. Olivia finds science lessons difficult, but her parents are willing to help her each night with her homework. She also asks the teacher for help and starts to receive encouragement and praise for her efforts. Jack also struggles with science, but his parents are uninterested in assisting him with his nightly homework. He feels bad about the poor grades he receives on his science assignments but is not sure what to do about the situation. His teacher is critical of his work but does not offer any extra assistance or advice. Eventually, Jack just gives up, and his grades become even worse. While both children struggled with this aspect of school, Olivia received the support and encouragement she needed to overcome these difficulties and still build a sense of mastery. Jack, however, lacked the social and emotional encouragement he needed. In this area, Olivia will likely develop a sense of industry where Jack will be left with feelings of inferiority. Stage 5: Identity vs. Confusion
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Why Do Athletes Get Paid - 715 Words
Ever dreamed of being rich and famous? A google result will tell you something quite obvious, athletes make boatloads of cash.They are doing what they love and are earning lots of money at the same time.Sure they make a lot money , but is it true? Not entirely. In fact, some athletes are paid less than what a regular job would pay you. A beginner professional soccer player makes only $35,000 a year, while established players make less than $50,000 a year.This statistic is for the MLS(Major League Soccer) in america, where as european soccer clubs pay much higher because of the club you are at and endorsements with companies like addidas, Nike, etc. Let’s take into account some other sports, and look at players specifically.In the MLB(Major†¦show more content†¦It is the same as in a business, if you perform well or are doing better than whats expected, then you get a raise. If you do not meet the expectations, you might get fired,or released from your team. We can also take an account that athletes are getting paid a lot of money because the professional sports industry is a huge business with millions of fans going to games each year. As it was said earlier, players get most of their money from endorsements and from the fans buying merchandise and buying tickets to see games. Professional athletes only make about 1% of an organizations total earnings. This means that the income the athletes are getting from organization’s is barely anything.People also argue that playing a sport isnt a real job so they shouldnt get paid.The only problem with that argument is how many people go to games or have something memorable,like a hat,from their favorite team.So, their argument means nothing as they are the ones feeding cash to the players, buy buying tickets, buying food at the games, buying merchandise, etc. The people who complain do notShow MoreRelatedWhy College Athletes Should Get Paid1309 Words  | 6 PagesEnglish 115 Why College Athletes Should Get Paid And Why They Shouldn’t November 18, 2014 Ebeling 2 Intro: How much harder would athletes work if they were paid for their performance on the field, track, or court? College athletes are put to the test each and everyday, they risk their health to entertain millions day in and day out. College athletes deserve part of the money due to the revenue they bring in for their schools and for the NCAA, they deserve the money because they do not have timeRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?873 Words  | 4 PagesAmateurism vs. Professionalism Many individuals are for college athletes being paid, but there is plenty of information leading as to why college athletes should not get paid. College football is not about the players, but about the game. Many will say it is redundant that education is the prize, but is it really? Can universities pay college athletes and still be sure that they are not messing with the intellectual purpose of the athletes? This debate is one that has been going on for as long as anyoneRead MoreShould College Athletes Get Paid?1742 Words  | 7 PagesShould College Athletes Get Paid? Should college athletes be paid? This has been a controversial topic ever since college sports started. Many people argue that they should. Many people argue that they should not. College athletes should get paid because they work extremely hard playing their sport. The people that say they should be paid argue that the amount of time athletes dedicate is equivalent to a full-time job, and maybe even more. The people that say they should not get paid argue that collegeRead MoreWhy College Athletes Should Be Paid807 Words  | 4 PagesJoshua Davis Ms. Hammons Junior English 5th Hour 30 march 2017 Why College Athletes Should Be Paid College athletes have much more responsibilities to worry about than pros, and scholarships don t help athletes that much and they often don’t even finish college. The problem is college athletes don t get paid when they have twice the responsibilities of pro athletes. college athletes have to juggle their sport practices and games, being on the road a lot of the time, going to classes everydayRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1511 Words  | 7 Pages For years now there have been the argument if college athletes should be paid to play or not. It is an ongoing debate between many people including the National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA), athletes, coach, and other various people. The has debate has gone far enough that a lawsuit has started over it. There are many arguments for college athletes being paid such as; the athletes do not have time to work, their images are being used without any type of pay, and how the NCAA and coachesRead MoreCollege Athlete s Should Be Paid Essay1356 Words  | 6 PagesCollege Athletes Should Be Paid Kids grow up loving to play sports in their free time. 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They have given it there all, and not only that, the athletes bring in about $11 billion in annual revenue from college sports. Now days, sports is a business, and college sports are the same. Division 1 college sports provide a lot of income for the universities. Many athletes receive scholarships and a little moreRead MoreShould Students Get Paid?. To Foundationally Break The1524 Words  | 7 PagesShould Students Get Paid? To foundationally break the question on whether student athletes should get paid or not, we need to ask ourselves if students should get paid in the first place. Students are the reason why many young adults go to college. Students are people attending a lesson willingly to learn a lesson. College and Universities are a place for students to learn and excel with the enormous resources that are available for students to utilize. Several of our brightest citizens of the world
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Entering International Markets Essays - 2595 Words
Entering International Markets Measuring a potential business venture has many aspects which the international manager must be aware of in order to convey the correct information back to the decision makers. Being ignorant to any of the aspects can lead to a false representation of the project, and hence an uninformed decision being passed. In order for a business to survive it must grow. For growth to be optimal, management must first be able to identify the most attractive prospective leads. The country as a whole, specifically geography, government, and financial aspects must be looked at in order to yield the best possible picture of the market a company wishes to enter. Concentration should be placed on gathering reliable facts†¦show more content†¦After sifting through the leads and finding the right ones to investigate management must formulate an international marketing plan. This further helps management in locating potential markets for their products. The first st ep is to use secondary research to find out what the sales potential is in a given market. Asking the questions of need, demand, and support gives one a starting point for research. If we were a company that sold pants we might want to ask the following questions. Is there a need for pants? Is it cold enough there to wear pants? Do people that demand the pants have money? These are the questions that one should ask of potential markets. Table 1-located at the end of the paper-shows the statistics that are needed for a general market picture. After gathering the information from the secondary research, the picture of a potential market becomes more evident. However, to make the picture clearer, one must conduct primary research. This research outlines the specifics of the potential market that directly pertain to the product. Robert Douglas book, Penetrating the International Market, addresses the issue of locating potential markets in greater detail.2 [mg1] After finding a lead that contains profitable markets it is necessary to analyze the venture as a whole. The decisions of companies must be based on the facts of reliable sources on all investments. To gather the informationShow MoreRelated Importance of Strategic Planning when Entering International Markets2260 Words  | 10 PagesImportance of Strategic Planning when Entering International Markets When a company decides to take their business international, there are many different factors that they need to take into account. There are differences in management styles, international laws and treaties that regulate international business, trade barriers, tariffs, taxes, exchange rates as well as cultural customs that come into play. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Global Inequality Caused by Consumption Free Essays
Core issue: consumption causes global inequality. Global inequality is the inequality in distribution of income and wealth between rich and poor countries. A concentration of wealth is in the hands of very small number of people. We will write a custom essay sample on Global Inequality Caused by Consumption or any similar topic only for you Order Now A study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total. The bottom half of the world adult population owned barely 1% of global wealth. According to the wealth concentration theory, those who already hold wealth have the means to invest in new sources of creating wealth or to otherwise leverage the accumulation of wealth, thus are the beneficiaries of the new wealth. Over time, wealth condensation can significantly contribute to the persistence of inequality within society. This correlation between being rich and earning more is also contributed by plutocracy: the ability of the rich to influence government disproportionately to their favor thereby increasing their wealth. This unjust global trade regime as a primary cause in increasing global inequality â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Wealth and poverty make life different in a host of ways. health, education, literacy, child labour, employment, gender, political participation, higher level in countries with higher income Compare their economic productivity–gt;classify countries. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) amp; Gross National Income (GNI) The World Bank uses GNI per person to classify countries. Low income (P559) For example, workforces in China, much of which is well trained and educated and now receive extremely low wages-sometimes less than one-twentieth of hat workers earn in comparable jobs in the developed countries. These institutionalised inequalities result in greater marginalisation within society. The report emphasises the inevitable social disintegration, violence and national and international terrorism that this inequality fosters. Ironically, the diversion of social development funds to national/international security and military operations produces further deprivation and marginalization, thus creating a vicious cycle. How to cite Global Inequality Caused by Consumption, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Social Determinants of Health-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Impacts of the Social Determinants of Health on Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults. Answer: The Impacts of the Social Determinants of Health on Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults Nearly six percent of Canadians were living with cardiovascular disease (CVD) in 2015; a disease which has a mortality rate of 194.7 deaths per 100,000 (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2017b). Older adults are one of many vulnerable populations in Canada and there are a variety of factors that make them more vulnerable. This paper will explore how social determinants of health (SDOH), specifically socioeconomic status, affects Canadian and international multicultural older adult populations with (CVD), include a SDOH model, followed by public health implications that arise as a result of this issue. We will examine why these socioeconomic status may affect this vulnerable population and explore information about CVD. For the purposes of this research, older adults are defined as individuals between the ages of 55 and 79. According to Raphael (2016), there are many factors that make senior populations more vulnerable or susceptible to higher mortality rates; those including, but are not limited to SDOH such as personal health practices/coping, education, socioeconomic status (SES), gender, and social support systems. When examining the rates of CVD in older adults a comparison will be made between those of low and high SES. SES will be measured using household income and level of education. The writers of this paper believe that older adults that have a lower level of education will have a higher rate of CVD disease due to diminished access or knowledge to support and foundations to live or obtain a better quality of lifestyle. The writers also believe that along with a lower level of education would contribute to a lower level of income, thus putting older adults in a position to not obtain a hea lthier lifestyle and higher quality of living. Cardiovascular diseases affect the heart and blood vessels and includes coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism (World Health Organization, 2017). CVD is a rampant problem for developing nations and is the number one cause of death worldwide (World Health Organization, 2017). According to the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS) incident rates of heart attacks in the Canadian population for age groups, 50 - 64 and 65-79 are 2.38% and 5.55%, respectively (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2017c). This is much higher than age groups 35 - 49, who were 0.61% of the population that experience heart attacks (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2017c). In the United States, 69.1% of men and 67.9% of women aged 60 - 79 suffer from some form of CVD (American Heart Association, 2016). Diseases of the heart are the lead cause of death for American women over 65 years old (American Heart Association, 2016). CVD is commonly diagnosed by a physician in regular or emergency room visits. Data is then collected through a variety of sampling methods. Specifically, the CCDSS collects data based on health insurance registry databases that are linked to physician billing and hospital databases (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2017a). Through this collection technique, errors from self-reporting are avoided. Another common information data base is the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). A survey is provided to a cross-section of the country who then are responsible for self-reporting (Statistics Canada, 2016). When self-reporting is used for collecting information there is always a chance that respondents will be intentionally dishonest or misunderstand a question and provide the wrong answer. SES and education are SDOH that are the strongest predictors to affect CVD (Joffres et al., 2013; Winkleby et al., 1992). SES reflects spending ability, housing, diet, and medical care based on income, whereas education reflects skills for social, psychological, and economic resources (Winkleby et al., 1992). A healthy diet is essential for the prevention of CVD yet income can be a stumbling block as much of heart disease medication costs are not covered under Medicare (Gucciardi et al., 2009). Those with low income tend to lack insurance coverage that covers expensive medications such as those for CVD, which are among the most expensive within Canada (Booth et al., 2012; Campbell et al., 2012). Booth et al. (2012) found an increase in diabetes related mortality rates between those of high and low SES especially in those over the age of 65. Woodward et al. (2015) revealed that CVD is associated with lower SES. A community-based study from Turkey revealed that unhealthy diet was associated with lower SES (OR = 3.31) and lower education (OR=4.48) (Simsek et al., 2013). A lack of education can have profound effects in those with CVD. In developing countries, there is often a gap in hypertension treatment for seniors due to lack of knowledge of what hypertension is and preventative signs (Maurer Ramos, 2015). Maurer Ramos (2015) reveal that low-cost treatment options for hypertension exist and could increase awareness in seniors. Seniors of higher SES are associated with higher physical activity, greater nutritional habits and lower risk of smoking compared to those of lower SES (Campbell et al., 2012). This means that those of low SES are associated with increased use of healthcare services that have little impact on poorer health outcomes and mortality (Campbell et al., 2012). It's important to assess how determinants are measured. The studies referenced in this paper directly evaluated income, education and CVD data utilizing census reports, self-reporting data and medical records. SES was measured using household income and level of education, any additional information on education, income, and occupation was ascertained through questionnaires. For example, one study measured income using the "median household income level of an individuals neighborhood of residence on 1, April, 2002 from the 2001 Canadian Census. Neighborhoods were defined using small geographic units (dissemination areas) from Statistics Canada" (Booth et al., 2012). Woodward et al. (2015) measured education by using self-reported data, falling into one of three groups. Group one had no completed education or completed only primary school. Group two composed of people who completed secondary school; and lastly group three completed tertiary education (university or college). Booth et al. (2012) recorded "baseline CVD, acute myocardial infarction, and stroke, based on relevant diagnostic codes from hospital discharge records. Co-morbidity was captured using diagnostic codes listed in hospital records and physicians service claims from the year prior to baseline to create distinct case-mix categories based on the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups case-mix system." If blood pressure and cholesterol levels were used to determine CVD risk, they were obtained using standard protocols as in Woodward et al. (2015) and Winkleby et al., (1992). Specific Canadian Data The CCHS is a cross-sectional study in Canada that measures rates of different health outcomes in the country. The most recent complete survey data is from 2014. Based on the survey design, the most efficient way to access the rates of CVD was by studying those who self-reported having heart disease. Data was collected for those with heart disease and was then compared to level of education and to person income. Only the data for those aged 55 to 79 was analyzed. When studying the rates of heart disease in both older adult males and females it was noted that the highest rates were in those that had completed post-secondary education followed secondly by those who had not completed secondary education (Statistics Canada, 2016). It is likely that there are confounding factors that create the high rates of heart disease in those with the highest education level. In males, 26.7% of heart disease occurs in those with less than secondary education, 18.2% in those who had completed secondary education, and only 2.7% of those who had completed some post-secondary education (Statistics Canada, 2016). Similarly for females, 31.8% of heart disease occurs in those with less than secondary education, 22.2% in those who had completed secondary education, and only 3.0% of those who had completed some post-secondary education (Statistics Canada, 2016). This data shows that to a certain extent, an increase in education is correlated with a decrease in heart d isease. When comparing rates of heart disease to income levels it is found that those with income rates less than $20,000 to $39,999 had significantly greater rates of heart disease (Statistics Canada, 2016). For males, 23.2% of all heart disease occurs in those with less than $20,000 income and 33.6% occurs among those with $20,000 to $39,000 income (Statistics Canada, 2016). In females, 46% of all heart disease occurs in those with less than $20,000 income and 35.4% occurs among those with $20,000 to $39,000 income (Statistics Canada, 2016). In both male and female populations the rates continue to drop as income rises with rates in the final category, income greater than $80,000, at 12.3% for males and 2.8% for females (Statistics Canada, 2016). A very clear correlation can be noted between that of low income and heart disease. The Social Determinants of Health Model The social determinants of health (SDOH) model (WHO, 2010) is the conceptual model (refer to Appendix A) used to show how political, social and economic mechanisms strongly influence an individual's socioeconomic position. In addition, there are three major factors which influence an individuals health, which are: material, psychosocial and biological and behavioral factors (WHO, 2010). Material factors are things like housing, community environment, and place of employment (WHO. 2010). Psychosocial factors are ones family, friends and social networks (WHO, 2010). Lastly, biological and behavioral factors are things like lifestyle choices, genetics, nutrition, and personal health habits (WHO, 2010). All of these factors affect an older adults ability to access health care and as a result influence their risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). The SDOH model (WHO, 2010) specifically addresses the two determinants of health: income and education which are related to an increase in CVD in older adults. Both income and education fall under the category material factors because they are specifically related to financial gain and the attainment of skill/s (WHO, 2010). Income is a major determinant of health because it most directly measures material resources and also has a cumulative effect over an individuals life course as its the one socioeconomic indicator that can change the most quickly, as income varies often (Havranek et al., 2015). Studies have shown that after controlling other sociodemographic factors, there was a 40-50% decrease in mortality from CVD with increasing family income (Havranek et al., 2015). The SDOH model discusses how several factors result in low income increasing ones risk of CVD and other illnesses, for example: income inequality causes stress for those who make less money, resulting in poorer hea lth; income inequality results in fewer economic resources for poorer individuals resulting in less treatment options; income inequality results in less money to invest in better social and economic conditions leading to living in poorer neighborhoods and attending schools that are of lesser quality resulting in poorer health outcomes (WHO, 2010). Education is the second determinant of health that is linked with an increased risk of CVD in older adults and the SDOH model addresses this as well (WHO, 2010). In Canada, studies have shown a strong correlation between CVD and ones level of education, CVD morbidity and mortality rates have an increased risk when an individual has a lower level of education (Kreatsoulas, 2010). Education is a life course determinant as it begins in early childhood (influenced by ones parents) and develops along the lifespan (WHO, 2010). The knowledge and skills attained through education makes it easier to understand health messages and make informed choices regarding health and well-being throughout ones lifespan (Kreatsoulas, 2010). Overall, the SDOH model (Hosseini et al., 2017)) is able to show how the material factors of both income and education are present as social determinants of health. When income and education levels are reduced the risk of developing CVD is increased; on the contrary, when income and education levels are higher, an older adult has a lifetime decreased risk of developing CVD (Havranek et al., 2015). Public Health Implications Public Health interventions that target material factors (socioeconomic status and education) from the Social Determinant of Health Model will help to decrease CVD in older adults. Interventions that address socioeconomic status (SES) will uncover greater reasoning for gaps in policies which will help to address physical activity, nutritional habits and smoking habits (Campbell et al., 2012; Booth et al., 2012). Booth et al. (2012) suggests that interventions that address SES will uncover that older adults with lower income are unable to pay for expensive medications, especially due to lack of an insurance plans, thus policies need to address this. Canadians with lower SES tend to use more healthcare services that have little impact on CVD due to lack of income to obtain healthier lifestyle changes (Campbell et al., 2012). Research suggests that there are gaps in awareness of pre-CVD symptoms and treatment (Joffres, 2013), especially within third world countries and low- middle income households (Maurer Ramos, 2015). Low-cost treatments exist for CVD management, but many older adults are unaware of them (Maurer Ramos, 2015). Many older adults are also unaware that they are manifesting symptoms for CVD and interventions need to increase educational efforts especially within small rural communities (Maurer Ramos, 2015). Interventions that address the lack of education to include incentives for healthcare professionals to screen older adults for hypertension yearly will not only increase awareness but will also help to change unhealthy behaviour (Maurer Ramos, 2015; Campbell, 2012; Bloetzer et al., 2015). Research indicates that plans for interventions have been made to increase CVD awareness in numerous countries, but there seems to lack implementation and evaluation of programs (Maurer Ramos, 2015; Joffres et al., 2013). England is leading in public health interventions by using government organizations to promote and educate the public on the risk of salt and implementing a bonus payment initiative to general practitioners to achieve targets for hypertension care (Joffres et al., 2013). The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) suggests that education efforts need to extend to hard to reach populations such as Indigenous communities and healthcare professionals need to be conscience of individuals who may not seem to be at risk (Campbell et al., 2012). The PHAC aso suggests that policies need to be transparent and take an upstream approach through cabinet level committees to include incentives for collaboration (Campbell et al., 2012). Finland has implemented a sodium reduction strategy in 2010 that was very effective in treating and controlling hypertension, reducing medical costs and preventing CVD disease earlier in patients (Campbell et al., 2012). Policies that create supportive environments make healthy choices easier by include reducing sodium in processed foods like Finland, restricting processed trans fats, allowing low income households to afford healthy food and creating pricing policies to restrict energy-dense foods (Campbell et al., 2012). Healthy interventions need to reflect community needs (Campbell et al., 2012). Canada has implemented healthy food procurement policies in public schools to remove soft drinks and junk food, but this could be taken a step further to implement this policy in health care facilities, workplaces, correctional institutions and military bases (Campbell et al., 2012). The United Kingdom has implemented a total ban on junk food ads during childrens programs and adult progra ms at peak watching times, which could also be implemented in Canada to help prevent CVD earlier than in senior age (Campbell et al., 2012). Alternative programs not already discussed include community-linkage systems and environmental approaches to prevent CVD. (Greenlund et al., 2012) Greenlund et al., 2012, describe successful community programs such as the, Sickness Prevention Achieved Through Regional Collaboration (SPARC) which coordinate with community partners to deliver screening and preventative healthcare such as a set of recommended immunization, cancer, and CVD screening services to older adults in places where they can be easily accessed. Environmental approaches include promoting healthy choices, availability, accessibility to information, and resources for the entire population, not just high risk groups. For example the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is working with restaurants and food manufactures to reduce the amount of sodium in processed and restaurant foods. (Greenlund et al., 2012). Historically these initiatives have been successful. In the past, government agencies and the food industry have worked together to address nutritional problems by fortifying foods with minerals and vitamins (e.g., vitamin D fortification of milk to prevent rickets, niacin fortification of flour to prevent pellagra, and folic acid fortification of flour to prevent neural tube defects). (Greenlund et al., 2012). Unfortunately these type of changes take time, lifestyle changes, and significant resources and may require government subsidies to bring about change. The 2010 Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act costing approximately $10 billion annually (Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, n.d) is an example of a government initiative to reduce childhood obesity, a preventative strategy against obesity, CVD, diabetes and various health related problems. The act has both pros and cons and has been all but eliminated by the Trump administration. Successes of the program include, increased nutritional value, iron, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and protein nutrition and decreased caloric intake, which benefited children with obesity (Cornish et al., 2016). However the program also had its critics. Students complained about poor portion sizes, bland food and a study published by the Harvard School of Public Health discovered that about 60 percent of vegetables and roughly 40 percent of fresh fruit are thr own away due to no interest. (Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, n.d) Public health interventions are clearly beneficial for the reduced risk of CVD. It is imperative that investments are made towards health education with a focus towards individuals from lower income and socioeconomic households. Conclusion Income and social determinants have generally determined the CVD prevalence in Canada. It has been shown the CVDs prevalence in high -income economies. Also, Canadians with lower SES tend to use more healthcare services that have little impact on CVD due to lack of income to obtain healthier lifestyle change. In Canada, it is expected that CVD will still be the leading cause of death even by 2030. The CVD is a major issue in Canada since it accounts for higher number of deaths than any other illness in the country. Because of the higher magnitude of CVD in Canada, the studies are being directed towards the social determinants of health (SDH). These are the risk factors causes of causes). Thus Canada wants to control the impacts of social environment on people sharing a community as mechanism to reduce CVD prevalence. The implications of this study is that Public Health interventions that target material factors (socioeconomic status and education) from the Social Determinant of Healt h Model will help decrease CVD in older adults. The future study should focus on interventions that address socioeconomic status (SES) to uncover greater reasoning for gaps in policies. This will help address physical activity, nutritional habits and smoking habits. References American Heart Association. (2016). Statistical Fact Sheet 2016 Update: Older Americans Cardiovascular Diseases. Retrieved from https://www.heart.org/idc/groups/heart-public/@wcm/@sop/@smd/documents/downloadable/ucm_483970.pdf Havranek, E. P., Mujahid, M. S., Barr, D. A., Blair, I. V., Cohen, M. S., Cruz-Flores, S., ..Yancy, C. W. (2015). Social Determinants of Risk and Outcomes for Cardiovascular Disease. Circulation, 132(9), 873-898. doi:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000228 Hosseini, S., Arab, M., Emamgholipour, S., Rashidian, A., Monterzari A., Zaboli, R. (2017). Conceptual Models of Social Determinants of Health: A Narrative Review. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 46(4), 435446. Kreatsoulas, C., Anand, S. S. (2010). The impact of social determinants on cardiovascular disease. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 26(Suppl C), 8C13C. Public Health Agency of Canada. (2017a). Canadian chronic disease surveillance system methods report abridged version for v2015 and v2016 (Dementia, Including Alzheimers Disease). Retrieved from https://infobase.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ccdss-scsmc/data-tool/Methods Public Health Agency of Canada. (2017b). The 2017 Canadian chronic disease indicators. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada Research, Policy and Practice, 37(8), 248-251. Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/phac-aspc/documents/services/publications/health-promotion-chronic-disease-prevention-canada-research-policy-practice/vol-37-no-8-2017/ar-03-eng.pdf Public Health Agency of Canada. (2017c). Public health infobase: Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS). Retrieved from https://infobase.phac-aspc.gc.ca/CCDSS-SCSMC/data-tool/?l=engHRs=00DDLV=CDSAMIDDLM=ASIR1=M2=FDDLFrm=1999DDLTo=2012=10VIEW=2 Raphael, D. (2016). Social determinants of health: Canadian perspectives. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc. Statistics Canada. (2016). Canadian Community Health Survey Annual Component (CCHS). Retrieved from https://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurveySDDS=3226 World Health Organization (WHO) 2010. A conceptual model framework for action on the Social determinants of health. Retrieved from:https://www.who.int/social_determinants/corner/SDHDP2.pdf page 9 World Health Organization. (2017). Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Retrieved from https://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs317/en/ Table 1, 2 Statistics Canada. (2016). Canadian Community Health Survey, 2014: Annual component [public-use microdata file]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Health Statistics Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. Retrieved From https://odesi1.scholarsportal.info.ezproxy.lakeheadu.ca/webview/index.jsp?object=http%3A%2F%2F142.150.190.11%3A80%2Fobj%2FfStudy%2Fcchs-82M0013-E-2014-Annual-componentheaders=http%3A%2F%2F142.150.190.11%3A80%2Fobj%2FfVariable%2Fcchs-82M0013-E-2014-Annual-component_V100 Table 3, 4 Statistics Canada. (2016). Canadian Community Health Survey, 2014: Annual component [public-use microdata file]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Health Statistics Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. Retrieved From https://odesi1.scholarsportal.info.ezproxy.lakeheadu.ca/webview/index.jsp?object=http%3A%2F%2F142.150.190.11%3A80%2Fobj%2FfStudy%2Fcchs-82M0013-E-2014-Annual-componentheaders=http%3A%2F%2F142.150.190.11%3A80%2Fobj%2FfVariable%2Fcchs-82M0013-E-2014-Annual-component_V100
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Research Paper on Identity Crisis Essay Example
Research Paper on Identity Crisis Essay Identity crisis is a mental condition caused by the frustration from incapability to implement internal necessities of life – motives, values, accompanied by the violation of emotional, mental, emotional balance. There are processes and life situations, insoluble by practical and cognitive activity; therefore, they can be solved by experience, which is understood as a special activity for adjusting to the environment in critical situations. Identity crisis is associated with feelings of inconsistency of own condition to the changing demands of the environment. Available personal resources do not allow the person to realize significant, fundamental for him goals, interests, and needs. Those who write research paper on identity crisis should know that a person can assess the situation as a problem, but to be unable to cope with it in familiar ways and therefore faces the need to develop new abilities, new meanings, new goals, of which he has rather vague ideas. Therefore, the crisis is a way of our development, and the price we are paying for the development. The origins of identity crises and age dynamics have been studied by many authors. For example, Eric Erikson identified eight stages of psychosocial development of the individual. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Identity Crisis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Identity Crisis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Identity Crisis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer At the stage that Eric Erickson called â€Å"average maturity,†what happens is usually called â€Å"midlife crisis.†There comes a time to score the first significant part of a person’s life. Re-evaluate and revise a person’s life achievements and prospects. Often they seem small and insignificant, besides unachieved goals and unfulfilled. They cause anxiety, a feeling that you do not live your life strive to foreign targets. Outwardly, everything is fine, but there are no sense of happiness and fullness of life. You begin to wonder: what are you living for? Does my life bring me a satisfaction? Why and where do I strive to? The appearance of such doubt means that the person has entered the crisis, and his previous experience is not suitable to address the problems of the second half of his life. There are several destructive ways out of the crisis: Regression – infantilism that allows us to overcome the problem by passing the buck to others. Denial – the perception of reality in a distorted way that the problem seems to disappear, leading to reduced activity, reduced scope of interests. Extreme variants of denial are psychosomatics, neurosis, psychosis. Repression – an idle state based on the belief that in this situation, nothing can be done, and any action is doomed to failure. These ways lead to the reduction or avoidance of psychological discomfort and anxiety without the solution of the crisis, promote evasion from dangerous situations, but do not solve the problem. The constructive way out of the crisis is the formation of a new relationship to the environment, new values and meanings, awareness of the problem and the redefinition of the situation, the development of new behaviors, willingness to accept responsibility for the consequences of your choice. Free sample research paper on identity crisis will show the best way to do your job. Note! All research paper examples about Identity Crisis are 100% plagiarized!!! At EssayLib.com custom writing service you can buy a custom research paper on Mormonism topics. Your research paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research paper assistance at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all paper details: Enjoy our professional research paper writing service!
Friday, March 6, 2020
Genghis Khan Resume Essays
Genghis Khan Resume Essays Genghis Khan Resume Essay Genghis Khan Resume Essay Focused mainly on relationship development and general retention and grow the . ; Use military strategies that focus on intelligence gathering and deep understanding of rivals motivations. Conquered such empires on the road to glory as the Western Ixia Dynasty, the Jinx Dynasty, and Ukrainian Kanata. Used deep analysis to identify, strategies, and act on expansion opportunities. Presented conclusions and decisions clearly to War Generals and other upper management. Accomplishments: Created the largest empire the world has ever known, stretching from Korea t Hungary at its largest extent. Unified the Mongol people. ; Organized a nearly invincible army of fearless, nomadic warriors. ; Extraordinary speed and devastating ruthlessness in conquering territories. Skills: Self taught hunting and gathering after my entire family was exiled from my d dead fathers tribe. Excelled in marmot catching and murdering half-breeds in order to establish family dominance and begin building my empire. I nterests: Hunting ; Settling Scores Letter delivered by Horsemen February 20, 1225 Mrs.. Selene United Federation of Conquerors Dear Mrs.. Selene, Have you ever conquered over 12,700,000 square miles, and had one of the largest empires of all time, I Genesis Khan would be the perfect fit for the position of Chairman of the board of the United Federation of Conquerors because of my large expansion in a small period of time, and my absolute destruction of all in my way. When I founded the Mongol empire I never knew how much land we would conquer in such a short period of time, we were able to get more land in 25 y ears then the Romans got in 400 years. : By having an army Of nearly invincible army Of fee roles, nomadic warriors and by using military strategies that focus on intelligence gathering and deep understanding of rivals motivations we were able to devastate the r armies and cities that stood in our way. The Mongol empire was known as one of the most feared empires of all time because of our ruthless killings and fearless army, if you did not surrender to us your village, city, even empire would be completely slaughtered. But if you did sour ender and join us you would be free to continue your practices and faith.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
PROJECT PROPOSAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
PROJECT PROPOSAL - Essay Example The ability of the virtual server to keep resources separate is a strong element. Feasibility studies done shows that there is a tremendous advantage with virtualization. Costs, space, resource and skills requirements, company acceptance and cost to benefit appraisals indicate a necessity to move to this technology of cloud computing with single servers. This project intends to begin by eliminating the old one with one server, one application and replace with a multiple virtual computers. This will free IT administrators from spending time on server management instead of engaging in innovations. In addition the project will see a successful transformation of client server operations from uni-servers to multiple servers. The project will require budgetary allocation of computer hardware’s and OS, IT and logistical support staff and space. The project is expected to have all the servers consolidated into one which ultimately aid in data recovery during disasters, save energy and costs. The functions of staff shall be diversified with reduced server functions. The project is also expected to run multiple operating systems, create virtual PC environments, perform and run enterprise applications, built up enterprise desktop management and control. In additional, the virtual systems should be able to construct business continuity by improving disaster recovery solutions and bringing forth excellent availability throughout the data zones. The project is anticipated to be carried out in 3 weeks with the work broken down in logical sequencing maximizing the staff specific skills and ability to work as a team to realize the objectives of the project. All the project stake holders will be communicated to through appropriate and suitable communication channels. Besides, work will be measured through work done against the planned tasks, while costs will be monitored with those budgeted for. These aspects will form the basis for monitoring and evaluating the results a gainst planned outcomes and expectations of the key stakeholders. Case I:Westminster College- A server virtualization project success story Westminster College is a classic case of based server consolidation initiative. This project allowed for disposal of aged servers that were still hosting web applications and were therefore in the process to re-engineering. The idea of new servers purchase was not conceivable hence rethinking of virtualization was imperative. The project manager had great task of assembling resources, doing feasibility studies and fact finding mission of cost benefit analysis of the Westminster college virtualization project. The phase out project greatly intertwined support services with different processes like portal application thus exceeding the time planned for project completion. The project manager had to ensure timely completion of the project. However, intertwined processes delayed actual completion of the exercise. The success of the project was in it s work breakdown, the project manager had a strong desire to transform deliverables without upsetting the budget. The project considerably reduced electrical costs and did not have to reroute all the existing services. To ensure that the project met specifications, phase one roll out formed a basis for configuring other applications. The Westminster Colle
Monday, February 3, 2020
The impact of out of stock in convenience sector( retail) Literature review
The impact of out of stock in convenience sector( retail) - Literature review Example They can be categorized as discount store, super market, convenience store, hyper market or departmental store. In the literature based on supply chains and logistics, when a customer is unable to find an item of his choice the retail store is considered to be out of stock. Actually, it is not difficult to say â€Å"out of stock†, but like many other issues taken under research; this issue has its own implications which can only be clarified through research (Charlton and Ehrenberg 1976). â€Å"Out of stock can be classified into two types: item and brand†(Fitzsimons 2000). Firstly, a stock keeping unit (SKU) of a particular brand may be out of stock and secondly all options of a particular brand in a single product can be out of stock. Out of Stock (OOS) has been defined differently by different researchers. Gruen and Corsten (2002) define OOS as â€Å"the percentage of SKUs that are OOS on the retail store shelf at a particular moment in time†. This means that the customer perceives that the item he wants will be available but it is not. Alternatively, from a consumer point of view, OOS is â€Å"the number of times a customer looks for the SKU and does not find it†(Corsten and Gruen 2003). ... First, retailers are battled with more charges in providing string of connections, due to high inventory, procurement, management, and warehouse costs. Second, it furthermore raises the likelihood that out-of-stocks (OOS) may happen, which may lead to clientele displeasure and shop disloyalty. As retailers strive to contend with discounters on service, OOS can harshly jeopardize their comparable place in the buyers’ mind. According to Campo et al. (2000), out of supply position not only decreases revenue but furthermore decrease of clients as well. In 20% situations shop swapping is due to out of supply situations. Presently, there have been a vast number of studies carried out by Emmelhainz et al. (1991), Verbeke et al. (1998), Campo et al. (2000), Gruen et al. (2002), Corsten and Gruen (2003) and Sloot et al. (2005). They were responsible for formation of factors which encourage buyer reactions, such as the category of inventory, the extent of brand devotion, type of consume r and the urgency of the requirement for the item. So all of these investigations were rather associated to assess buyer answer as an outcome of OOS position at retail- OOS position is too exorbitant for retailers, as it can originate a decrease in revenue; the study performed in 1968 for Progressive Grocer assessed more than eleven percent decrease in sales. Emmelhainz et al (1991) study outcomes display, for example, that a stock-out can make a constructor misplace more than fifty percent of his clients to competitors, alternatively retailers countenance the decrease of up to fourteen percent of the purchasers of the missing product. This income decrease does not only owe to lost sales all the way through the OOS experience, but can
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility
Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This dissertation discusses and undertakes an analysis of some data gathered on Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility within organizations in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry. The environmental social responsibility activities to be looked at within the selected companies are their water usage level, emissions, waste produced and total energy used with regard to being aware of environmental concerns. In this chapter, the aim and objectives of the study are outlined and a brief introduction is furnished. 1.1 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW OF STUDY In recent times, there has been much debate about whether corporations should be socially responsible or not and also the extent to which they should be responsible. With the global recession at the moment, the future years will show if CSR has been taking on by corporations or if it is, as critics say, merely a marketing stunt designed to make their business attractive (The Independent, 2009). The phrase social responsibility is often hard to pin down because of the fact that there are several schools of thought concerning this notion. Milton Friedman questions if companies are required to take responsibility for social issues (Kok et al., 2001, p. 286). He stressed that the sole social responsibility of any organization is to boost its profits through legal ways and that donating an organizations funds to the society is harmful to the organization as this might reduce the organizations profit or cause an increase in product price or, in exceptional cases, have both effects (Pinkston and Carroll, 1996). Some researchers on the other hand are of the opinion that because of the ever changing competitive environment in which businesses are carried out, it is essential that organizations incorporate some sort of Corporate Social Responsibility standard that will help foster its sustainability in the environment. Boynton (2002) asserts that social responsibility is â€Å"a val ue that specifies that every situation from family to firm- is responsible for its members conduct and can be held accountable for its actions†. This research work supports the notion that organizations should continually engage in corporate social responsibility activities; therefore, as a conscious strategy, corporations must endeavour to incorporate environmental CSR in their diverse functions and operations. Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) also known as Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industries focus on the production of consumable goods which people require from day to day. Fast Moving Consumer Goods can be said to be â€Å"low price items that are used with a single or limited number of consumptions†(Baron et al., 1991). Examples of FMCG or CPG products are food and beverages, footwear, clothing products, tobacco and other general products. The FMCG or CPG industry is an umbrella for wholesale and retail consumer goods producing companies. A number of companies function within this industry: examples are Nestle, Procter and Gamble, Pfizer, Reckitt Benkiser, British American Tobacco, Cadbury and Smithkline just to mention a few. According to Jarvis (2003), business organizations endeavour to maximise profits as much as they can. Fast-moving consumer goods companies cannot therefore be left out in the quest for profit maximisation as the goods they produce are sold to consumers in order to make some sort of gain. FMCG companies provide humans with day to day products they require and as such one of their responsibilities is to ensure that the manufactured products meet the required quality standard. In manufacturing their products, some FMCG companies make use of some natural resources such as water, wood, soil etc., and sophisticated machineries which in some way affect the environment. Making use of the earths natural resources without any provision for replacing the resources leads to depletion, while emissions from machineries pollute the environment. Corporations implement CSR activities because they hope they will give them a competitive advantage over their rivals. Branco and Rodigues (2006) assert that CSR offers internal and external gains. The benefits are referred to as internal if engaging in social responsibility activities helps a corporation build, develop and manage its wealth and abilities, for instance: corporate culture and expertise. External benefits, on the other, are those linked to a corporations status, staff awareness and culture; these are essential indescribable assets which, though hard to easily replace or duplicate, can be developed or trashed depending on whether a corporation is socially responsible or otherwise. Moreover, because companies take from the environment directly or indirectly, it is their responsibility to ensure that the environment and society at large, and not only the stakeholders, benefit from some kind of social responsibility activities set up by the companies (Stoner and Wankel, 19 88). Speaking of the FMCG industry in United Kingdom, Bourlakis and Weightman (2004) assert that the industry, which includes the food and grocery sector, contributes immensely to the countrys economy as it provides employment to over 3.2 million people. This figure accounts for close to 17% of the countrys total workforce. The same authors also mention that the FMCG industry accounts for over  £130 billion of consumer spending yielding, representing over 9% of the GDP. 1.2 THE MANUFACTURING SECTOR The British Prime Minister, Mr. Gordon Brown, declares that â€Å"†¦for this government manufacturing not only has been, but remains and will always be, critical to the success of the British economy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (BIS, 2008). The United Kingdom is the 6th largest manufacturing country in the world (See appendix 1 for details). It provides the economy with about  £150billion per annum. The countrys productivity has increased by about 50% since 1997. The United Kingdom attracts â€Å"more foreign direct investment than any country apart from the USA†(BIS, 2009). In UK, manufacturing accounts for 13% of the GDP; also, between 1997 and 2004, the average labour productivity grew by 4% over the United States, 5% above France and also 15% over Germany. The figure below shows a graph of the growth in productivity. Sheldons study on ‘social responsibility of management indicates that industries exist with the aim of servicing the society (Sheldon, 1923). The developments which various industries have made lately show that there is a link between the society and the industry. It can therefore be said that the purpose of creating industries is so that the society can benefit from it as well as sustain it. Sen (1999) observes that â€Å"as people who live in a broad sense together, we cannot escape the thought that the terrible occurrences that we see around us are quintessentially our problems. They are our responsibility whether or not they are also anyone elses†(Sen, 1999). The manufacturing sector is very huge and includes a range of industries such as: Aerospace, Biotechnology, Chemical, Food and beverages, Pharmaceuticals etc. The FMCG industry is one of the sub industries within the manufacturing sector. They sometimes face a lot of problems and as such struggle with critic isms from stakeholders on social responsibility matters even though they have functional CSR agendas. From the size of the British manufacturing industry, it is fair to say that it uses a huge amount of energy compared to the rest of the European Union. 1.3 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM From looking at FMCG Companys website and their social responsibility/sustainability reporting materials, it will be seen that they engage in corporate social responsibility at different levels. Looking closely at FMCG companies within the United Kingdom, it will be seen that almost all of them if not all, consider corporate social responsibility and its effect on their business operations particularly as it pertains to their corporate image, competitive advantage and even their finances. Davis (1973) in his work asserts that engaging in corporate social responsibility can improve an organizations finances and image. 1.4 AIM OF PROJECT The aim of the project is to contribute to the body of empirical data in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility by gathering information that will help in the analysis of environmental corporate social responsibility within organizations in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry. The findings of this research should provide managers and the academic world some more information in the area of Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility. 1.5 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main objective of this study on the analysis of data gathered on environmental corporate social responsibility in some organizations in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry is to critically look at the steps the corporations take in being environmentally responsible and also how they measure the progress. Also, this dissertation will be attempt to: To analyse the data from selected FMCG companies relating to their environmental CSR practices to identify the indicator/metrics used by the companies to benchmark their performance on environmental CSR in their organizations; to determine factors that encourage environmental responsibility practices. To draw some conclusions and make some recommendations about the state of environmental CSR in the selected organizations. 1.6 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The FMCG industry is very large and as such it may not be feasible for the researcher to report on all the companies in the industry bearing in mind the limitation of time and adequate resources. Therefore the scope of this study will be limited to environmental corporate social responsibility in selected FMCG companies. The study will take a look at the environmental corporate social activities they have embarked on with respect to water usage reduction, CO2 emission reduction, reduction of waste produced, and total energy usage of each of the companies. Owing to lack of time and resources, the researcher will not be able to conduct a survey of environment corporate social responsibility in all UK-based fast moving consumer goods companies. It is worth noting though that a lot of them carry out environmental corporate social responsibility activities and also report on them using indices to which some of them are benchmarked. 1.7 STRUCTURE OF THE DISSERTATION This study is structured into five chapters. Chapter one provides an introduction/background to the research study, together with a brief introduction of the sector and industry. Chapter two contains the literature review; it comprehensively and critically reviews previous work done in this research area. Chapter three highlights the research design and data collection process employed by the researcher. Chapter four contains an analysis of the data gathered together. Some findings and discussions of the research area are also furnished. The final chapter, chapter five, contains some recommendations and conclusions based on the findings in the course of carrying out this dissertation. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Corporate Social Responsibility has progressed from an irrelevant and often discriminated concept to one that is today well-known and established in businesses round the globe (Lee, 2008). Corporate Social Responsibility can be thought of as an umbrella phrase that takes into consideration the various ways and means a corporation embarks on in trying to act ethically and morally. In the last couple of decades, CSR has become widely well-known (Campbell, 2007). According to some researchers, the first book on CSR was written in 1953 by Howard Bowen, with the title: Responsibilities of the Businessman (Carroll, 1979; Kantanen, 2005). Defining Corporate Social Responsibility can prove to be a complex task as it has varied meanings to different people. This is due to the fact that there is no agreed definition and as such organizations that are meticulous in their goals of incorporating CSR activities into their businesses are faced with compound problems. Because of how complex CSR is, it is hard to provide a definition. Stakeholders therefore make use of different definitions that are in line with their business operations, goals and aims. The definitions are often also related to the sizes of the corporations and how they regard their officers who are responsible for CSR activities within their organisations. Thus there is no agreed definition of CSR, because different corporations translate it to suit them depending on their state of affairs (MacLagan, 1999: Campbell, 2007: Garriga Mele, 2004). Bowen (1953) defines corporate social responsibility as â€Å"†¦ the obligations of businessmen to pursue those policies, to make those decisions, or to follow those lines of action which are desirable in terms of the objectives and values of our society†. Manakkalathil and Rudolf (1995) explain CSR as â€Å"the duty of organizations to conduct their business in a manner that respects the rights of individuals and promotes human welfare†. It is quite a weak explanation which makes it somewhat tough to actualize. Aguilera et al. (2007) emphasize that corporations should not border their CSR activities on stipulated legislation regarding such issues but should also make provision for activities not stipulated in any legislation they adhere to. Aguilera et al. (2007) assert that â€Å"corporate social responsibility is a companys considerations of and response to issues beyond the narrow economic, technical and legal requirements of the company to accomplish social and environmental benefits along with traditional economic gains†. Carroll (1991) states that CSR consists of f our aspects: legal, economic, ethical and philanthropic (discretionary) responsibility (See Appendix 1). Carroll (1991) argued that for a corporation striving to be seen as good within the society, all four aspects should be fulfilled. Carroll (1991) cites renowned economists Milton Friedmans assertion in trying to explain the relationship of the four aspects. On Friedmans part, he was only interested in the first three parts of CSR stating that corporations exist â€Å"to make as much money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of society, both those embodied in the law and those embodied in ethical custom†(Carroll, 1991) and he totally objected to the philanthropic aspect saying â€Å"the business of business is business†. In saying this, he meant that the usual economic standpoint only acknowledges legal, ethical and economic responsibility as a crucial principle while taking part in altruistic activities do not yield incentives for corporations. Levitt ( 1958) has a different approach to the CSR issue called the functional theory which considers CSR as ethically neutral. Corporations are considered to have particular tasks or organizational codes that communicate their position in the society. Corporations are expected to fulfil their social responsibilities by conforming to existing legal frameworks, as the onus of determining social good is the responsibility of the state and not that of the corporations. The reliability and character of an organization is in its sensitivity to varying conditions and demand. Organizations that react positively to financial and other varying issues will thrive, while those that do not respond adequately will die. Consequently, if the immediate situation requires that corporations be â€Å"socially responsible†then the corporations must endeavour to be so. Davis (1960) implies that social responsibility pertains to corporations â€Å"decisions and actions taken for reasons at least partiall y beyond the firms direct economic or technical interest†. Eells and Walton (1961) debate the meaning of CSR and say that it pertains to the â€Å"problems that arise when corporate enterprise casts its shadow on the social scene, and the ethical principles that ought to govern the relationship between the corporation and society†. Deakin and Hobbs (2007) assert that corporations that go ahead and carry out CSR activities which are over the minimum legal requirements stand to benefit immensely. Margolis and Walsh (2003) in the research they conducted found that most corporations, however, only focus on particular aspects of CSR: mainly the economic aspect and try to shy away from the social and environmental aspects. 2.1.1 STAKEHOLDER THEORY OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The most spoken about theory of corporate social responsibility is the stakeholder theory. Freeman (1984) explains the basic concepts and attributes of stakeholder management in his booked entitled Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. He defines stakeholders to be ‘‘groups and individuals who can affect, or are affected by, the achievement of an organizations mission†(Freeman, 1984) or otherwise regarded as ‘‘those groups who have a stake in or a claim on the firm (Evan and Freeman, 1988). Freeman (2004) regards stakeholders as â€Å"those groups who are vital to the survival and success of the corporation†. Freeman explains that not only the owners of a corporation have genuine concerns about it but also persons and or groups of persons that might be affected or can possibly have an effect on the corporations doings and as such these groups of people have the right to be considered in any decision making process within the corporation. Kaler (2006) on the other hand refers to the stakeholder theory that supports the notion that corporations should be socially responsible. This theory states that â€Å"the shareholders value is boosted through employee commitment, customer loyalty, contractor cooperation and immense support from the community amongst other things. Some researchers are also of the opinion that the performance of organizations can be attributed to their strategies in trade and non-trade environments†(Baron, 2000). Freeman and Evan (1990) assert that corporations that embark on social responsibility activities often times do it because they trust that their managers are capable of boosting the corporations effectiveness in taking action regarding demands from external sources by handling and meeting the requests of the diverse shareholders. Stakeholder theory can be said to be a managerial activity because it expresses and directs how managers function (Freeman et al. 2006). In analyzing stakeholder theory, Donaldson and Preston (1995) proposed ethical guidelines for considering and selecting stakeholders. They made reference to this as being â€Å"instrumental†in the sense that when corporations manage their stakeholder activities accordingly, their performance will improve tremendously in relation to their stability, growth and profitability. According to Freeman (1994), the aim of stakeholder theory is conveyed in two key questions and the first is determining what the function of the firm is. This influences managers to convey the feeling of importance built within the corporation and also display activities that pull together all the major stakeholders. This propels the corporation forward and makes it possible for it to produce outstanding performance, instituted with respect to its function and economic p erformance in the open market. The second question asked by the stakeholder theory deals with the sort of responsibility owed to the stakeholders by the managers. This motivates the managers to convey the means they take in conducting their businesses and particularly the kind of relationship they yearn for and have to build with their stakeholders in order to realize their purpose (Friedman and Miles, 2006). The stakeholder theory concept can be further broken down into: normative stakeholder theory, which hinges on theories of how managers and sometimes stakeholders are supposed to behave, and also how they are supposed to view the beliefs of the corporation as they pertain to its ethical ethos (Friedman and Miles, 2006), and the descriptive stakeholder theory which is about how managers and stakeholders actually act and the perception of their responsibilities and actions. The stakeholder theory that, in fact, relates very well with corporate social responsibility is the instrumental stakeholder theory. This theory is at times associated with a corporations strategic style: where the major concern for the corporation is how its managers perform if they are allowed to put their own interests and/or the interests of the corporation forward as it relates to profit maximization or the maximization of stockholder value (Friedman and Miles, 2006). Orlitzky et al (2003) mention that several authors are of the opinion that corporate social performance might help a corporation towards acquiring new abilities, raw materials and possibilities which are apparent in a corporations culture, expertise, business and workforce. Corporate social performance is closely related to corporate social responsibility and it is sometimes assumed that it will help advance managerial abilities that boost employee contribution, organization and harmonization together with a ground-breaking management approach (Shrivastava, 1995). The reputation perspective theory on the other hand, states that â€Å"superficially, corporate social performance might encourage the development of a positive figure with a corporations customers, its investors, banks and contractors which it can in the long run benefit from through having access to capital and also possibly draw high-quality employees towards it and also enhance the good will of its current employees towards the organization which over time the corporation might benefit from in financial terms†(Orlitzky et al, 2003). In recent times, it will be seen that so many corporations and/or establishments have planned and sustained their businesses in ways that correspond to the concept of the stakeholder theory (Collins and Porras, 1994). For example, corporations like Procter and Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser, British American Tobacco, to mention a few, present an excellent example of the value managers place on the fundamentals of stakeholder theory. It is worth noting that these corporations place high importance on their stakeholders and organizational wealth but at the same time do not stress on profitability as the push factor of their business. This is because they are fully aware of the worth and relationship with stakeholders as an important factor if they are to succeed. Friedman (1970) on the other hand is of a contrary opinion. He is of the opinion that when executives take decisions it should only be for the purpose of wealth creation for its stakeholders. It is evident that Friedman does not support the concept of CSR. He holds that the principal duty of directors is towards their staff. In his opinion, a corporate executive may take decisions that directly concern himself but should never take decisions concerning, for example, price mark down of products or pollution due to carbon emission, beyond the obligations imposed on the corporation by law. Friedman states further that by doing these, the corporate executive will be spending the corporations wealth and forcing its stockholders to pay tax while at the same time taking decision on the expenditure of the corporations tax returns. Friedman (1970) asserts that governments demand taxes from corporate entities, ensuring that there are adequate governmental, legal and constitutional measures in place to force compliance. Friedman stresses that executives are selected by stockholders as representatives to protect their interest and this motivation dies gradually if the corporate executive wastes the stockholders wealth on social activities. Friedmans belief is that government instructs corporations to pay a certain amount as tax and if paid, government use the tax appropriately, thereby making it unnecessary for corporations themselves to engage in any CSR projects. In this regard, one assumes that such taxes will be adequate to ensure the effective handling by the government of CSR activities that benefit the environment and the larger society. In Friedmans perception, the corporations that pay their taxes as and when due are responsible. Jensen and Meckling (1976) assert that corporate social responsibility may have an adverse effect on corporations especially if the cost of implementing CSR projects becomes exceptionally high. There are certain contrary views that claim that many ostensibly socially responsible corporations actually benefit far more from their CSR activities than the target societies that were expected to be the main beneficiaries. For example, relying on a report by Corporate Watch (2006), more than â€Å"80% of corporate CSR decision-makers were confident in the ability of good CSR practice to deliver branding and employee benefits. To take the example of corporate philanthropy, when corporations make donations to charity, they are giving away their shareholders money, which they can only do if they see potential profit in it. This may be because they want to improve their image by associating themselves with a cause, to exploit a cheap vehicle for advertising, or to counter the claims of pressure groups, but there is always an underlying financial motive, so the company benefits more than the charity†. Paine (2002) affirms that the choice to neglect corporate social responsibility will in some way indicate the corporations disrespect for its stakeholders who include its workers, suppliers, clientele and the society at large. Quoting CIPD (2009), â€Å"When CSR is done well; it means a precious, though precarious, trust in your business. Successful CSR can bring benefits such as a distinct position in your marketplace, protecting your employer brand, and building credibility and trust with current and potential customers and employees. It can help significantly with recruitment, engagement and retention of employees†. Some academics believe that some corporations embark on corporate social responsibility projects for strategic reasons. Xueming and Bhattacharya (2008) affirm that in recent times, corporate social responsibility matches the strategic plan of many corporations. They mention that although some corporations carry out a range of socially responsible activities such as philanthropic acts, corporate responsibility and sustainability reporting, marketing and stakeholder events to mention a few, they do so not because they feel it is the â€Å"right thing to do†but regard it is a â€Å"smart thing to do†. 2.1.1 GOVERNMENT AS STAKEHOLDERS Porter and Van der Linde (1995) believe that countries impose firm directives on home organizations, and the relationship government has with organizations corporate social responsibility issues positively affects them. It encourages them to create policies pertaining to the environment, cost reduction, sustainability of their products, and also increase the organizations competitive advantage in the international marketplace. This means that the government can control organizations and ensure they adhere to its directives and policies. Even though government has great control on the way organizations operate their businesses through the use of regulatory guidelines and policies, the activities of organizations have also had a growing influence on the government. Thorne et al (2008) assert that â€Å"managing this relationship with government officials while navigating the dynamic world of politics is a major challenge for firms, both large and small†. They explain that because of the varied nature of the environment, there are several competitors and suppliers in the decision making process, and as such raising the economic risks. Being stakeholders, organizations and government are considered mutual stakeholders and as such both sides can cooperate and play a part in the decision making process. In a Questions-and-Answers session with the Chairman and CEO, Charles Holliday, of DuPont a science-based solution company, Holliday was asked on how businesses and the government can effectively collaborate on stan dards-setting and value-creation for their stakeholders. He replied as follows: â€Å"The complexities and opportunities of modern business and industry are too great to assume that regulation alone can get us where we have to go. Regulation, as we have seen historically, is not a precision tool for change. But it can overcome inertia and get things going. The landmark environmental legislation of the 1970s and 1980s set in motion the kind of change that in the U.S. has led to cleaner air and water. No one doubts that†. He further said that in regulating sustainability, â€Å"We can expect that government will identify some pressure points where regulatory instruments can advance the cause. But real progress in sustainability will come from what we build into products and services, in the way we design and operate our plants and distribution networks, in the way we think about the ultimate disposition of the things we make, even and especially in the way we direct our rese arch and development. Its hard to imagine regulatory protocols that can encompass all of that. Industry has to be imaginative and proactive and show that we can accomplish the things our stakeholders expect of us, especially those things that go beyond the letter of the law†(as cited in Freeman et al, 2006). He also mentioned that at DuPont, they have reduced their greenhouse gas emissions by 72% since 1990 and this is because it was expected of them by their stakeholders to be proactive, and that gave them the push. This further shows how corporations work on their own in accordance with government directives designed towards improving the society. Marcus (2002) and Delmas and Terlaak (2002) are quick to assert that some corporations might be discouraged if government implements regulations they consider stringent and as such corporations should be allowed to make their own decisions as they consider appropriate. 2.2 THE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY SCHOOLS OF THOUGHTS The issue of whether corporations should be socially responsible or not, the extent to which they should be responsible, to whom they should be responsible and the context in which they should be responsible, has been a major debate amongst researchers. There are two schools of thought which have differing opinions on CSR matters. They are the restrictive and expansionist opinions. The restrictive school of thought upholds the profit maximisation stand while the other school believes that corporations should be socially responsible. 2.2.1 THE EXPANSIONIST SCHOOL OF THOUGHT The expansionists believe that environmental problems are caused by businesses and for that reason they should be liable for their externalities. Stoner and Wankel (1988) maintain that corporations should take into consideration the impact of their environmental activities on the society and for that reason they should act responsibly not only for the benefit of their stakeholders but to the general populous. Davis and Blomstrom (1975) give an account of their opinion of how a model corporation should look. They assert that it should provide an opportunity for investment, a good working condition, be ethically considerate, be a good corporation to do business with, pay their tax contributions and support governments endeavours, be good to the community they work in, contribute to social endeavours and public concerns. Crowther and Rayman- Bacchus (2004) assert that â€Å"the activities of an organization impacts upon the external environment and have suggested that such an organizat ion should therefore be accountable to a wider audience than simply its shareholders†. They also mention that the â€Å"recognition of the rights of all stakeholders and the duty of a business to be accountable in this wider context therefore has been largely a relatively recent phenomenon†. In summary, corporate social responsibility should include responsibility to the owners of the business, Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This dissertation discusses and undertakes an analysis of some data gathered on Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility within organizations in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry. The environmental social responsibility activities to be looked at within the selected companies are their water usage level, emissions, waste produced and total energy used with regard to being aware of environmental concerns. In this chapter, the aim and objectives of the study are outlined and a brief introduction is furnished. 1.1 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW OF STUDY In recent times, there has been much debate about whether corporations should be socially responsible or not and also the extent to which they should be responsible. With the global recession at the moment, the future years will show if CSR has been taking on by corporations or if it is, as critics say, merely a marketing stunt designed to make their business attractive (The Independent, 2009). The phrase social responsibility is often hard to pin down because of the fact that there are several schools of thought concerning this notion. Milton Friedman questions if companies are required to take responsibility for social issues (Kok et al., 2001, p. 286). He stressed that the sole social responsibility of any organization is to boost its profits through legal ways and that donating an organizations funds to the society is harmful to the organization as this might reduce the organizations profit or cause an increase in product price or, in exceptional cases, have both effects (Pinkston and Carroll, 1996). Some researchers on the other hand are of the opinion that because of the ever changing competitive environment in which businesses are carried out, it is essential that organizations incorporate some sort of Corporate Social Responsibility standard that will help foster its sustainability in the environment. Boynton (2002) asserts that social responsibility is â€Å"a val ue that specifies that every situation from family to firm- is responsible for its members conduct and can be held accountable for its actions†. This research work supports the notion that organizations should continually engage in corporate social responsibility activities; therefore, as a conscious strategy, corporations must endeavour to incorporate environmental CSR in their diverse functions and operations. Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) also known as Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industries focus on the production of consumable goods which people require from day to day. Fast Moving Consumer Goods can be said to be â€Å"low price items that are used with a single or limited number of consumptions†(Baron et al., 1991). Examples of FMCG or CPG products are food and beverages, footwear, clothing products, tobacco and other general products. The FMCG or CPG industry is an umbrella for wholesale and retail consumer goods producing companies. A number of companies function within this industry: examples are Nestle, Procter and Gamble, Pfizer, Reckitt Benkiser, British American Tobacco, Cadbury and Smithkline just to mention a few. According to Jarvis (2003), business organizations endeavour to maximise profits as much as they can. Fast-moving consumer goods companies cannot therefore be left out in the quest for profit maximisation as the goods they produce are sold to consumers in order to make some sort of gain. FMCG companies provide humans with day to day products they require and as such one of their responsibilities is to ensure that the manufactured products meet the required quality standard. In manufacturing their products, some FMCG companies make use of some natural resources such as water, wood, soil etc., and sophisticated machineries which in some way affect the environment. Making use of the earths natural resources without any provision for replacing the resources leads to depletion, while emissions from machineries pollute the environment. Corporations implement CSR activities because they hope they will give them a competitive advantage over their rivals. Branco and Rodigues (2006) assert that CSR offers internal and external gains. The benefits are referred to as internal if engaging in social responsibility activities helps a corporation build, develop and manage its wealth and abilities, for instance: corporate culture and expertise. External benefits, on the other, are those linked to a corporations status, staff awareness and culture; these are essential indescribable assets which, though hard to easily replace or duplicate, can be developed or trashed depending on whether a corporation is socially responsible or otherwise. Moreover, because companies take from the environment directly or indirectly, it is their responsibility to ensure that the environment and society at large, and not only the stakeholders, benefit from some kind of social responsibility activities set up by the companies (Stoner and Wankel, 19 88). Speaking of the FMCG industry in United Kingdom, Bourlakis and Weightman (2004) assert that the industry, which includes the food and grocery sector, contributes immensely to the countrys economy as it provides employment to over 3.2 million people. This figure accounts for close to 17% of the countrys total workforce. The same authors also mention that the FMCG industry accounts for over  £130 billion of consumer spending yielding, representing over 9% of the GDP. 1.2 THE MANUFACTURING SECTOR The British Prime Minister, Mr. Gordon Brown, declares that â€Å"†¦for this government manufacturing not only has been, but remains and will always be, critical to the success of the British economy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (BIS, 2008). The United Kingdom is the 6th largest manufacturing country in the world (See appendix 1 for details). It provides the economy with about  £150billion per annum. The countrys productivity has increased by about 50% since 1997. The United Kingdom attracts â€Å"more foreign direct investment than any country apart from the USA†(BIS, 2009). In UK, manufacturing accounts for 13% of the GDP; also, between 1997 and 2004, the average labour productivity grew by 4% over the United States, 5% above France and also 15% over Germany. The figure below shows a graph of the growth in productivity. Sheldons study on ‘social responsibility of management indicates that industries exist with the aim of servicing the society (Sheldon, 1923). The developments which various industries have made lately show that there is a link between the society and the industry. It can therefore be said that the purpose of creating industries is so that the society can benefit from it as well as sustain it. Sen (1999) observes that â€Å"as people who live in a broad sense together, we cannot escape the thought that the terrible occurrences that we see around us are quintessentially our problems. They are our responsibility whether or not they are also anyone elses†(Sen, 1999). The manufacturing sector is very huge and includes a range of industries such as: Aerospace, Biotechnology, Chemical, Food and beverages, Pharmaceuticals etc. The FMCG industry is one of the sub industries within the manufacturing sector. They sometimes face a lot of problems and as such struggle with critic isms from stakeholders on social responsibility matters even though they have functional CSR agendas. From the size of the British manufacturing industry, it is fair to say that it uses a huge amount of energy compared to the rest of the European Union. 1.3 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM From looking at FMCG Companys website and their social responsibility/sustainability reporting materials, it will be seen that they engage in corporate social responsibility at different levels. Looking closely at FMCG companies within the United Kingdom, it will be seen that almost all of them if not all, consider corporate social responsibility and its effect on their business operations particularly as it pertains to their corporate image, competitive advantage and even their finances. Davis (1973) in his work asserts that engaging in corporate social responsibility can improve an organizations finances and image. 1.4 AIM OF PROJECT The aim of the project is to contribute to the body of empirical data in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility by gathering information that will help in the analysis of environmental corporate social responsibility within organizations in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry. The findings of this research should provide managers and the academic world some more information in the area of Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility. 1.5 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main objective of this study on the analysis of data gathered on environmental corporate social responsibility in some organizations in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry is to critically look at the steps the corporations take in being environmentally responsible and also how they measure the progress. Also, this dissertation will be attempt to: To analyse the data from selected FMCG companies relating to their environmental CSR practices to identify the indicator/metrics used by the companies to benchmark their performance on environmental CSR in their organizations; to determine factors that encourage environmental responsibility practices. To draw some conclusions and make some recommendations about the state of environmental CSR in the selected organizations. 1.6 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The FMCG industry is very large and as such it may not be feasible for the researcher to report on all the companies in the industry bearing in mind the limitation of time and adequate resources. Therefore the scope of this study will be limited to environmental corporate social responsibility in selected FMCG companies. The study will take a look at the environmental corporate social activities they have embarked on with respect to water usage reduction, CO2 emission reduction, reduction of waste produced, and total energy usage of each of the companies. Owing to lack of time and resources, the researcher will not be able to conduct a survey of environment corporate social responsibility in all UK-based fast moving consumer goods companies. It is worth noting though that a lot of them carry out environmental corporate social responsibility activities and also report on them using indices to which some of them are benchmarked. 1.7 STRUCTURE OF THE DISSERTATION This study is structured into five chapters. Chapter one provides an introduction/background to the research study, together with a brief introduction of the sector and industry. Chapter two contains the literature review; it comprehensively and critically reviews previous work done in this research area. Chapter three highlights the research design and data collection process employed by the researcher. Chapter four contains an analysis of the data gathered together. Some findings and discussions of the research area are also furnished. The final chapter, chapter five, contains some recommendations and conclusions based on the findings in the course of carrying out this dissertation. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Corporate Social Responsibility has progressed from an irrelevant and often discriminated concept to one that is today well-known and established in businesses round the globe (Lee, 2008). Corporate Social Responsibility can be thought of as an umbrella phrase that takes into consideration the various ways and means a corporation embarks on in trying to act ethically and morally. In the last couple of decades, CSR has become widely well-known (Campbell, 2007). According to some researchers, the first book on CSR was written in 1953 by Howard Bowen, with the title: Responsibilities of the Businessman (Carroll, 1979; Kantanen, 2005). Defining Corporate Social Responsibility can prove to be a complex task as it has varied meanings to different people. This is due to the fact that there is no agreed definition and as such organizations that are meticulous in their goals of incorporating CSR activities into their businesses are faced with compound problems. Because of how complex CSR is, it is hard to provide a definition. Stakeholders therefore make use of different definitions that are in line with their business operations, goals and aims. The definitions are often also related to the sizes of the corporations and how they regard their officers who are responsible for CSR activities within their organisations. Thus there is no agreed definition of CSR, because different corporations translate it to suit them depending on their state of affairs (MacLagan, 1999: Campbell, 2007: Garriga Mele, 2004). Bowen (1953) defines corporate social responsibility as â€Å"†¦ the obligations of businessmen to pursue those policies, to make those decisions, or to follow those lines of action which are desirable in terms of the objectives and values of our society†. Manakkalathil and Rudolf (1995) explain CSR as â€Å"the duty of organizations to conduct their business in a manner that respects the rights of individuals and promotes human welfare†. It is quite a weak explanation which makes it somewhat tough to actualize. Aguilera et al. (2007) emphasize that corporations should not border their CSR activities on stipulated legislation regarding such issues but should also make provision for activities not stipulated in any legislation they adhere to. Aguilera et al. (2007) assert that â€Å"corporate social responsibility is a companys considerations of and response to issues beyond the narrow economic, technical and legal requirements of the company to accomplish social and environmental benefits along with traditional economic gains†. Carroll (1991) states that CSR consists of f our aspects: legal, economic, ethical and philanthropic (discretionary) responsibility (See Appendix 1). Carroll (1991) argued that for a corporation striving to be seen as good within the society, all four aspects should be fulfilled. Carroll (1991) cites renowned economists Milton Friedmans assertion in trying to explain the relationship of the four aspects. On Friedmans part, he was only interested in the first three parts of CSR stating that corporations exist â€Å"to make as much money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of society, both those embodied in the law and those embodied in ethical custom†(Carroll, 1991) and he totally objected to the philanthropic aspect saying â€Å"the business of business is business†. In saying this, he meant that the usual economic standpoint only acknowledges legal, ethical and economic responsibility as a crucial principle while taking part in altruistic activities do not yield incentives for corporations. Levitt ( 1958) has a different approach to the CSR issue called the functional theory which considers CSR as ethically neutral. Corporations are considered to have particular tasks or organizational codes that communicate their position in the society. Corporations are expected to fulfil their social responsibilities by conforming to existing legal frameworks, as the onus of determining social good is the responsibility of the state and not that of the corporations. The reliability and character of an organization is in its sensitivity to varying conditions and demand. Organizations that react positively to financial and other varying issues will thrive, while those that do not respond adequately will die. Consequently, if the immediate situation requires that corporations be â€Å"socially responsible†then the corporations must endeavour to be so. Davis (1960) implies that social responsibility pertains to corporations â€Å"decisions and actions taken for reasons at least partiall y beyond the firms direct economic or technical interest†. Eells and Walton (1961) debate the meaning of CSR and say that it pertains to the â€Å"problems that arise when corporate enterprise casts its shadow on the social scene, and the ethical principles that ought to govern the relationship between the corporation and society†. Deakin and Hobbs (2007) assert that corporations that go ahead and carry out CSR activities which are over the minimum legal requirements stand to benefit immensely. Margolis and Walsh (2003) in the research they conducted found that most corporations, however, only focus on particular aspects of CSR: mainly the economic aspect and try to shy away from the social and environmental aspects. 2.1.1 STAKEHOLDER THEORY OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The most spoken about theory of corporate social responsibility is the stakeholder theory. Freeman (1984) explains the basic concepts and attributes of stakeholder management in his booked entitled Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. He defines stakeholders to be ‘‘groups and individuals who can affect, or are affected by, the achievement of an organizations mission†(Freeman, 1984) or otherwise regarded as ‘‘those groups who have a stake in or a claim on the firm (Evan and Freeman, 1988). Freeman (2004) regards stakeholders as â€Å"those groups who are vital to the survival and success of the corporation†. Freeman explains that not only the owners of a corporation have genuine concerns about it but also persons and or groups of persons that might be affected or can possibly have an effect on the corporations doings and as such these groups of people have the right to be considered in any decision making process within the corporation. Kaler (2006) on the other hand refers to the stakeholder theory that supports the notion that corporations should be socially responsible. This theory states that â€Å"the shareholders value is boosted through employee commitment, customer loyalty, contractor cooperation and immense support from the community amongst other things. Some researchers are also of the opinion that the performance of organizations can be attributed to their strategies in trade and non-trade environments†(Baron, 2000). Freeman and Evan (1990) assert that corporations that embark on social responsibility activities often times do it because they trust that their managers are capable of boosting the corporations effectiveness in taking action regarding demands from external sources by handling and meeting the requests of the diverse shareholders. Stakeholder theory can be said to be a managerial activity because it expresses and directs how managers function (Freeman et al. 2006). In analyzing stakeholder theory, Donaldson and Preston (1995) proposed ethical guidelines for considering and selecting stakeholders. They made reference to this as being â€Å"instrumental†in the sense that when corporations manage their stakeholder activities accordingly, their performance will improve tremendously in relation to their stability, growth and profitability. According to Freeman (1994), the aim of stakeholder theory is conveyed in two key questions and the first is determining what the function of the firm is. This influences managers to convey the feeling of importance built within the corporation and also display activities that pull together all the major stakeholders. This propels the corporation forward and makes it possible for it to produce outstanding performance, instituted with respect to its function and economic p erformance in the open market. The second question asked by the stakeholder theory deals with the sort of responsibility owed to the stakeholders by the managers. This motivates the managers to convey the means they take in conducting their businesses and particularly the kind of relationship they yearn for and have to build with their stakeholders in order to realize their purpose (Friedman and Miles, 2006). The stakeholder theory concept can be further broken down into: normative stakeholder theory, which hinges on theories of how managers and sometimes stakeholders are supposed to behave, and also how they are supposed to view the beliefs of the corporation as they pertain to its ethical ethos (Friedman and Miles, 2006), and the descriptive stakeholder theory which is about how managers and stakeholders actually act and the perception of their responsibilities and actions. The stakeholder theory that, in fact, relates very well with corporate social responsibility is the instrumental stakeholder theory. This theory is at times associated with a corporations strategic style: where the major concern for the corporation is how its managers perform if they are allowed to put their own interests and/or the interests of the corporation forward as it relates to profit maximization or the maximization of stockholder value (Friedman and Miles, 2006). Orlitzky et al (2003) mention that several authors are of the opinion that corporate social performance might help a corporation towards acquiring new abilities, raw materials and possibilities which are apparent in a corporations culture, expertise, business and workforce. Corporate social performance is closely related to corporate social responsibility and it is sometimes assumed that it will help advance managerial abilities that boost employee contribution, organization and harmonization together with a ground-breaking management approach (Shrivastava, 1995). The reputation perspective theory on the other hand, states that â€Å"superficially, corporate social performance might encourage the development of a positive figure with a corporations customers, its investors, banks and contractors which it can in the long run benefit from through having access to capital and also possibly draw high-quality employees towards it and also enhance the good will of its current employees towards the organization which over time the corporation might benefit from in financial terms†(Orlitzky et al, 2003). In recent times, it will be seen that so many corporations and/or establishments have planned and sustained their businesses in ways that correspond to the concept of the stakeholder theory (Collins and Porras, 1994). For example, corporations like Procter and Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser, British American Tobacco, to mention a few, present an excellent example of the value managers place on the fundamentals of stakeholder theory. It is worth noting that these corporations place high importance on their stakeholders and organizational wealth but at the same time do not stress on profitability as the push factor of their business. This is because they are fully aware of the worth and relationship with stakeholders as an important factor if they are to succeed. Friedman (1970) on the other hand is of a contrary opinion. He is of the opinion that when executives take decisions it should only be for the purpose of wealth creation for its stakeholders. It is evident that Friedman does not support the concept of CSR. He holds that the principal duty of directors is towards their staff. In his opinion, a corporate executive may take decisions that directly concern himself but should never take decisions concerning, for example, price mark down of products or pollution due to carbon emission, beyond the obligations imposed on the corporation by law. Friedman states further that by doing these, the corporate executive will be spending the corporations wealth and forcing its stockholders to pay tax while at the same time taking decision on the expenditure of the corporations tax returns. Friedman (1970) asserts that governments demand taxes from corporate entities, ensuring that there are adequate governmental, legal and constitutional measures in place to force compliance. Friedman stresses that executives are selected by stockholders as representatives to protect their interest and this motivation dies gradually if the corporate executive wastes the stockholders wealth on social activities. Friedmans belief is that government instructs corporations to pay a certain amount as tax and if paid, government use the tax appropriately, thereby making it unnecessary for corporations themselves to engage in any CSR projects. In this regard, one assumes that such taxes will be adequate to ensure the effective handling by the government of CSR activities that benefit the environment and the larger society. In Friedmans perception, the corporations that pay their taxes as and when due are responsible. Jensen and Meckling (1976) assert that corporate social responsibility may have an adverse effect on corporations especially if the cost of implementing CSR projects becomes exceptionally high. There are certain contrary views that claim that many ostensibly socially responsible corporations actually benefit far more from their CSR activities than the target societies that were expected to be the main beneficiaries. For example, relying on a report by Corporate Watch (2006), more than â€Å"80% of corporate CSR decision-makers were confident in the ability of good CSR practice to deliver branding and employee benefits. To take the example of corporate philanthropy, when corporations make donations to charity, they are giving away their shareholders money, which they can only do if they see potential profit in it. This may be because they want to improve their image by associating themselves with a cause, to exploit a cheap vehicle for advertising, or to counter the claims of pressure groups, but there is always an underlying financial motive, so the company benefits more than the charity†. Paine (2002) affirms that the choice to neglect corporate social responsibility will in some way indicate the corporations disrespect for its stakeholders who include its workers, suppliers, clientele and the society at large. Quoting CIPD (2009), â€Å"When CSR is done well; it means a precious, though precarious, trust in your business. Successful CSR can bring benefits such as a distinct position in your marketplace, protecting your employer brand, and building credibility and trust with current and potential customers and employees. It can help significantly with recruitment, engagement and retention of employees†. Some academics believe that some corporations embark on corporate social responsibility projects for strategic reasons. Xueming and Bhattacharya (2008) affirm that in recent times, corporate social responsibility matches the strategic plan of many corporations. They mention that although some corporations carry out a range of socially responsible activities such as philanthropic acts, corporate responsibility and sustainability reporting, marketing and stakeholder events to mention a few, they do so not because they feel it is the â€Å"right thing to do†but regard it is a â€Å"smart thing to do†. 2.1.1 GOVERNMENT AS STAKEHOLDERS Porter and Van der Linde (1995) believe that countries impose firm directives on home organizations, and the relationship government has with organizations corporate social responsibility issues positively affects them. It encourages them to create policies pertaining to the environment, cost reduction, sustainability of their products, and also increase the organizations competitive advantage in the international marketplace. This means that the government can control organizations and ensure they adhere to its directives and policies. Even though government has great control on the way organizations operate their businesses through the use of regulatory guidelines and policies, the activities of organizations have also had a growing influence on the government. Thorne et al (2008) assert that â€Å"managing this relationship with government officials while navigating the dynamic world of politics is a major challenge for firms, both large and small†. They explain that because of the varied nature of the environment, there are several competitors and suppliers in the decision making process, and as such raising the economic risks. Being stakeholders, organizations and government are considered mutual stakeholders and as such both sides can cooperate and play a part in the decision making process. In a Questions-and-Answers session with the Chairman and CEO, Charles Holliday, of DuPont a science-based solution company, Holliday was asked on how businesses and the government can effectively collaborate on stan dards-setting and value-creation for their stakeholders. He replied as follows: â€Å"The complexities and opportunities of modern business and industry are too great to assume that regulation alone can get us where we have to go. Regulation, as we have seen historically, is not a precision tool for change. But it can overcome inertia and get things going. The landmark environmental legislation of the 1970s and 1980s set in motion the kind of change that in the U.S. has led to cleaner air and water. No one doubts that†. He further said that in regulating sustainability, â€Å"We can expect that government will identify some pressure points where regulatory instruments can advance the cause. But real progress in sustainability will come from what we build into products and services, in the way we design and operate our plants and distribution networks, in the way we think about the ultimate disposition of the things we make, even and especially in the way we direct our rese arch and development. Its hard to imagine regulatory protocols that can encompass all of that. Industry has to be imaginative and proactive and show that we can accomplish the things our stakeholders expect of us, especially those things that go beyond the letter of the law†(as cited in Freeman et al, 2006). He also mentioned that at DuPont, they have reduced their greenhouse gas emissions by 72% since 1990 and this is because it was expected of them by their stakeholders to be proactive, and that gave them the push. This further shows how corporations work on their own in accordance with government directives designed towards improving the society. Marcus (2002) and Delmas and Terlaak (2002) are quick to assert that some corporations might be discouraged if government implements regulations they consider stringent and as such corporations should be allowed to make their own decisions as they consider appropriate. 2.2 THE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY SCHOOLS OF THOUGHTS The issue of whether corporations should be socially responsible or not, the extent to which they should be responsible, to whom they should be responsible and the context in which they should be responsible, has been a major debate amongst researchers. There are two schools of thought which have differing opinions on CSR matters. They are the restrictive and expansionist opinions. The restrictive school of thought upholds the profit maximisation stand while the other school believes that corporations should be socially responsible. 2.2.1 THE EXPANSIONIST SCHOOL OF THOUGHT The expansionists believe that environmental problems are caused by businesses and for that reason they should be liable for their externalities. Stoner and Wankel (1988) maintain that corporations should take into consideration the impact of their environmental activities on the society and for that reason they should act responsibly not only for the benefit of their stakeholders but to the general populous. Davis and Blomstrom (1975) give an account of their opinion of how a model corporation should look. They assert that it should provide an opportunity for investment, a good working condition, be ethically considerate, be a good corporation to do business with, pay their tax contributions and support governments endeavours, be good to the community they work in, contribute to social endeavours and public concerns. Crowther and Rayman- Bacchus (2004) assert that â€Å"the activities of an organization impacts upon the external environment and have suggested that such an organizat ion should therefore be accountable to a wider audience than simply its shareholders†. They also mention that the â€Å"recognition of the rights of all stakeholders and the duty of a business to be accountable in this wider context therefore has been largely a relatively recent phenomenon†. In summary, corporate social responsibility should include responsibility to the owners of the business,
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