Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on Is the Rookie Ready Case Study - 622 Words
Memo 1: â€Å"Is the Rookie Ready?†This dilemma Tim has put himself in was a mistake for many reasons. When Hybara called back to become a client of Driscoll, Tim should had let them know of a more reasonable time frame. If they resisted, just let Hybara know that it takes time to set up a proper system that will not fail. Also Tim should have taken some time to check with the companies executives to see if this is a project worth taking on and if it is achievable in the time frame available. Of course they would approve it because Hybara was and probably will be their largest client again. With that in mind I think it is clear that the project should be led by Alessandra. The cost may be high for her consulting services but defiantly†¦show more content†¦Also this could show upper management that even though we have lost a great manager, we have other well qualified employees that can step up and do just as well. Another thing to think about is that if needed Alessandra could be called in to help when the w ork load gets to be too much or there is a problem that is over their heads. This is not the solution I would choose unless Tim knew that Kristen had it in her and Tim is willing to become a part of this project in order to make sure everything goes smoothly. Moving on, I think the better choice is to have Alessandra as the project manager. As stated earlier, she is more than qualified for this position (at least on this task/client). With her should be Kristen and the other programmers willing to work over the planned vacation time. The time Kristen spends with Alessandra could teach her how to be successful on the future projects. Also they can learn from Alessandra the ins and outs of Hybara and their systems. A definite plus when time is crucial to have a successful project completion on schedule. References Green, S. (2009). Is the Rookie Ready? : HBR Case Study. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Analysis Of Kill A Mockingbird - 843 Words
There are couple of reason that Mr.Raymond act drunk and one of them is that he wants people to leave him alone. One major theme from To Kill A Mockingbird is to not judge a person by his appearance. This theme refers to Tom Robinson, Boo Radley, and Raymond because they seem to be bad from a normal person perspective,but on the inside they’re good humans who try to live there life but can’t because the world has people who interfere with them. This essay will explain about how to character are criticized and judged but later show who they very are. Tom Robinson lives his life in Maycomb during a time of racial discrimination, everyone in Maycomb didn’t share equality to each other which mean white people look down at black people. On page (180) this show that how black people are disrespected, â€Å"Your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for! †Tom Robinson is a kind and generous person who is married to Helen and worked in the field. One day Tom Robinson was going home from work and Mayella ask Tom Robinson for help. Tom Robinson agree to help Mayella and after he was done helping, Tom was kissed by her and Mayella s father saw the whole thing. Mayella’s father beat Mayella up for kissing a black person. Under the influence of her dad,she called the police and accuse of Tom Robinson raping her and beating her up. Everything that Mayella’s father did to her was blamed on Tom even though he didn’t do anything. Tom Robinson wasShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of to Kill a Mockingbird2365 Words  | 10 PagesI’d like to analyze the extract from a book which is entitled â€Å"To kill a mockingbird†. The author is Harper Lee, an American author known for her 1960-Pulitzer-Prize-winning and who is considered now by many to be a literary icon. Harper Lee was born in 1926 in the state of Alabama. In 1945-1949 she studied law at the University of Alabama. Her novel ‘To kill a mockingbird’ which deals with the issues of racism that were observed by the author as a child in her hometown was awarded the Pulitzer PrizeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Of Kill A Mockingbird 1271 Words  | 6 PagesJourney Tasopulos Brannen ELA-8 19 April, 2015 Novel Analysis: To Kill A Mockingbird Selection: I selected this book because its the best book I have ever read. I read To Kill A Mockingbird last year and my class wrote an essay about this book, since I already know so much about this book I thought it would be a nice and quick read. I thought it would be a great enjoyment to refresh my memory of this epic book. I watched the movie soon after I read the whole book and it was very fun to pick outRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird Compassion Analysis600 Words  | 3 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird Compassion Analysis Philosopher Albert Schweitzer explains, â€Å"The purpose of human life is to serve, and show compassion and the will to help others†( In order to follow the purpose of life you have to teach the purpose of life. Compassion is meant to be shared and spread throughout the whole world. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Atticus takes this moral upon himself, and teaches Jem and Scout about compassion in Maycomb. Throughout the novel To KillRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird Analysis933 Words  | 4 PagesThe intriguing novel, To Kill A Mockingbird is written by the prestigious author Harper Lee. Lee has utilised the lifestyle and attitudes towards ‘African-Americans in the 1930s to create a novel which presents the reader with Lees attitudes and values. The dominant reading of the novel is focused on the issues of racial prejudice, but there are also a number of other alternative and oppositional readings. Examples of this are the Marxist and feminist r eadings which can be applied to the textRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Analysis1126 Words  | 5 PagesJim Crow laws so she could end the mental and physical abuse her father caused. Since Mayella is white and female, she has power. Although she lives behind a dumpster this still provides a significant amount of power for her. In the book â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird†Harper Lee shows Mayella’s power for class during the trial. Even though Mayella has less power in class than race in gender it is still a significant amount to help her. â€Å"Yes, suh. I felt right sorry for her†¦.†â€Å"DBQ: Is Mayella powerful?†Read MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Analysis1378 Words  | 6 PagesThe Influence of Setting on Themes and Events in To Kill A Mockingbird Vs. A Time to Kill A setting is used in literature to highlight the major themes and also shape the events of the narration. Though set in different time periods, the settings of To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee Harper and A Time to Kill by Joel Schumacher serves to reinforce various themes that highlight various aspects of American history. Racial segregation and issues associated with it such as the lifestyle of the Southern stateRead MoreCritical Analysis Of To Kill A Mockingbird1761 Words  | 8 PagesTo Kill A Mockingbird is an acclaimed novel that provides a meritorious exploration on the subject of human nature and distinctively regards several themes with great importance. Discussed through recollections from a child’s perspective, the novel provides a variety of portrayals and wholehearted messages, creating an illustration with a consequential meaning once the indications are interpreted. It is also worthwhile to acknowledge the themes that coexist within the book that are introduced th roughRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Analysis947 Words  | 4 PagesMockingbirds are innocent and free from corruption,but how would you think that some characters are Mockingbirds? To Kill a Mockingbird is about a lawyer, Atticus Finch, simply defending an African American, Tom Robinson from a rape charge. Atticus Finch, Tom Robinson, and Boo Radley are innocent and free from the disease of Maycomb County. That disease is racism and hate. Atticus is a man made from morals, Tom is a scared African-American, and Boo just wants to get away from the chaos outside hisRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Analysis891 Words  | 4 PagesMockingbird reflects the struggles and problems that the people in the 1900s had to go through on the daily basis. Problems that have to do with economic and social issues. People had to go through struggles related to the Great Depression and a lot of the black people in the 1900s had to experience racism everyday of their life. Not only did they experience it on the daily but there was also laws that they had to obey, and if they broke them there was consequences. To Kill a Mocking bird does aRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Analysis874 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"‘Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit’em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird’†(Lee 119). The meaning of the quote is mockingbirds dont do anything but, sing for us to enjoy. Mockingbirds only want to bring happiness in the world like some characters in To Kill A Mockingbird. Harper Lee stated this quote in the book to get us thinking about how Atticus Finch, Tom Robinson, and Boo Radley are mockingbirds. Tom Robinson just wanted to help Mayella Ewell but, got accused of raping
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Organizational Behavior According To Mcshane-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: What Is The Organizational Behavior According To Mcshane? Answer: Introducation Organizational behavior according to McShane, Olekalns, and Travaglione (2013), is the study of what people think, feel and do in and around an organization. Learning organizational behavior helps individuals understand how and what others think and the way they approach different circumstances. Organizational behavior is also the study of the interaction of people and the workplace, the human behavior in the workplace with the aim of helping individuals predict the behavior in human beings. Organizational behavior also looks into the impact that groups, individuals, and structures have on behavior within organizations and the main purpose of applying that knowledge is to improve the effectiveness of organizations. Organization and behavior are two significant words in this terminology. The organization is the groups of people while behavior relates to the action and reactions of these individuals to situations. Organizations are groups of one or two people where the behavior occurs and where those groups share a specific set of goals and meet at consistent times. This paper shall look into the organizational behavior of Resonus Corporation below. Resons Corporation This is a company that designs innovations in the field of hearing aids, and they have been manufacturers in the past several years. Its CEO is Bill Hunt, the Director of Research id Doc Kalandry, Director of Engineering is Frank Choy, and the company has been facing a lot of problems emanating from organizational behavior. These are; informal communication, Power and politics, leadership issues, conflict management, and lack of team spirit. Under informal communication, the organizational communication is not good. Information from the board of directors to the employees has been informal, and in the event of making changes in the organization, there is still a lack of formal communication. Mr. Bill Hunt, its CEO has always supported the informal way of communication in addressing or trickling information down to employees. Wood, Zeffane, Fromholtz, Wiesner, Morrison Seets (2013) propose that the only way that informal communication can be resolved in this company is having written communication for the employees and the use of upward communication method. In this case, the information originates from the Director of Research to Director of Engineering and then finally to the companys CEO. Organizational behavior has the power to impact on individuals and teams. Good leaders should be able to motivate and influence their workmates to lead to organizational effectiveness in the organizations that they are part of. Therefore, Robbins, Judge, Millett Boyle, (2017), say that organizational behavior aims to understand and know the attitudes and reactions of people in the perspective of a group be it in an office setting or any other assembly of individuals. By studying about organizational behavior, it is probable to look at interactions, try to point causes and effects and illustrating conclusions according to scientific suggestion. Culture is the collective belief, values, and practices of groups. Organizational culture is, therefore, the behavior developed by a certain organization as it continues to learn to get along with its difficulty of internal integration and external adaptation. It draws the elusive and subtle and unconscious forces that mold the workplace. It is a common belief held by individuals in an organization; a system of shared meaning branded by innovation and risk taking. According to Faizan, (2017), the other problem in this corporation is power and politics in which Bill Hunt, the CEO used his power and implied on the decisions of the company, and also Kalandry his intelligence as his power. Therefore, politics was used when all departments in the company blamed the ESD for untimely completion of the project. To correct this, the corporation used the personal Expert Power by Choy, the Director of Engineering and there was the adoption of soft tactics in the place of hard tactics in the company. The corporation also had to minimize the politics leveled on Choy by use of adequate methods. On the basis of leadership issues in the Resonus Corporation, the Director of Engineering, Frank Choy, lacked the qualities and personalities of a leader. The CEO, on the other hand, started the new technology without any consent from any of the departments in the corporation. The solution here was to help then Choy adapt the traits theories of leadership including cognitive intelligence, integrity and leadership motivation. The CEO on the other hand, ought to have asked for a goal leadership method that is participative in nature and achievement oriented. Resonus Corporation also had issues to do with conflict management. Here, the research team always arrived late with the revised design specs while the Expatriate Services Division(ESD) was unable to give precise production measurements on time. There was also delays in the manufacturing by two months. To rectify this, the CEO should collaborate with all the departments in the corporation and try to reach a solution to their disagreements. The whole corporation should also avoid individualism, and the use of formal communication would be of great use here. Regarding team spirit, in this corporation, the Director of Research, Kalandry, never discussed his ideas with the team of directors. No department director worked well with the SED team; they resorted to blaming them for the delays. Conclusion one can understand why individuals behave in various ways. Individuals or groups in organizations need to improve their communication skills so that misunderstandings and disagreements can be avoided when interacting with different people from diverse,Robbins, Judge, Millett Boyle, (2017), backgrounds and cultures. It is good to communicate with your group mates in any group assignment, and this too applies to colleagues in the workplaces. The above discussion pointed out the fact that Resonus Corporation has several organization problems that have led to poor operation of the corporation. The management of the corporation has to recheck their decision-making objectives so as to maintain a good organizational behavior. Leadership also has a significant impact on the organizational efficiency, and therefore, every organization has to develop their leadership styles cautiously. Organizational behavior has an affirmative influence on individuals thinking approaches and behaviors, Robbi ns, Judge, Millett Boyle, (2017). It increases awareness in emotional cleverness that helps in monitoring and managing emotions of individuals. The knowledge of various power types and how to boost influence leads to rigid insights on how to increase individuals substitutability, centrality, and visibility. Consistent evaluation of decisions and use of critical thinking approach not only boosts the value of individuals if used right but also it brings value to the organizations that individuals work for. References McShane, S, Olekalns, M Travaglione, T 2013, Organisational Behaviour: Emerging Knowledge. Global Insights. 4 the edn., McGraw-Hill, North Ryde. Robbins, S, Judge T, Millett, B, Boyle, M 2017 Organizational behavior (8e), Pearson Australia. Wood, J, Zeffane, R, Fromholtz, M, Wiesner, R, Morrison, R. Seet, PS. 2013, Organizational Behaviour: Core Concepts and Applications, John Willey Sons, Australia. Faizan, M 2017, Power Politics in Organizations,, Viewed on 10th May 2017,
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Voices And Visions Essays (203 words) - Harlem Renaissance
Voices And Visions The biographical film of Langston Hughes is both informative and entertaining. It approaches Hughes's life with insightful observations from the people that personally knew him. The film goes into detail on his family background and early life before his poetic success, and continues through his life in Harlem, his literary achievements, and legacy. The film has interesting facts that were unknown to me previous to my viewing. For example, the historical relatives described in the biography gave more insight on the motivation of Hughes to make an impact in the culture or history of African-Americans. Other than insight, the movie was entertaining because of the creative structure of the film's format. The combination of jazz and blues music, actual pictures and film footage, recitations of Hughes poetry, and images of the Harlem Renaissance make a profound impact when attempting to understand the life Langston Hughes came from and lived, as well as feeling the emotion in his literary works. Hughes's achievements are extraordinary and his life was remarkable. His ability to overcome obstacles such as the lack of family and financial support are admirable. He stands as a role model for a younger generation of writers. Movies and Cinema Essays
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