Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Artist Project essays
Artist Project essays One artist that I would like to investigate is Gail Goodwin. Gail is a photographer who captures the innocent beauty of children by using black and white photos classical and timeless effect with the incorporation of pastel colors to detail certain distinct images. Gail Goodwin has a instinct for capturing the most classical beauty at the perfect moment so that her art work portrays children in their natural comfortable behavior. Gail Goodwin is of European decent and was the first American born to her immigrant parents. Gail was born in New York and moved to California as an infant. As she grew older she always remembered collecting art throughout her childhood. Gail loved studying art and even took art classes herself. She recalls feeling even as a young child that she wanted to be an artist when she grew up. A major changing point in Gail Goodwins life was when she entered her teenage years and a high school teacher introduced Gail to old black and white photography and a box of Marshall oil paints. It was then that Gail was introduced to photography and hand tinting. Gail loved the new skills that were taught to her and spent her career practicing the skill in which she loves. Gail studied art and photography at North Ridge University in North Ridge California, and at Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California. In conclusion, Gail Goodwins blends the romanticised look of antiquity while capturing the never aging symbol of youth on film. Her skill of hand tinting with oil paints have accentuated beautiful floral arrangements in contrast to the black and white pictures. Gails artwork is displayed on calenders, posters, photo albums, greeting cards, stationary, even on mouse pads and screen savers for computers. She has received international recognition for her art work and unique artistic sense. Gail Goodwin ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Extended Metaphor in Literature
Extended Metaphor in Literature An extended metaphor is a common literary device used as a comparison between two, unlike things that are commonly used in descriptive prose or poetry. Sometimes, it is just a sentence or two, or sometimes it can be even longer, lasting a paragraph or more. This literary term is also known as a conceit or a mega-metaphor. An extended metaphor is sometimes confused with allegory. The various elements or images in an extended metaphor may fit together or complement one another in different ways. Allegory Versus Extended Metaphor Allegory is often described as an extended metaphor, but this description only works if extended refers to the linguistic expression while metaphor refers to the conceptual structure. For example, Peter Crisp, English professor for the Chinese University of Hong Kong, claims that Extended metaphor... is different from allegory because it contains language that relates directly to both the source and target. Literary Construct Only Extended metaphors are a literary construct as opposed to an ordinary-language metaphor. Extended metaphors are used consciously and sustained throughout a text or discourse. Unlike ordinary-language metaphors, they are not a one-off use of a description usually made out of necessity to get a point across. According to some language experts, extended metaphors are the exclusive property of literary texts, although this is not conclusive because of the use of sustained metaphors in advertising. Examples of Extended Metaphors The best way to understand the concept of an extended metaphor is to see it in use. Authors and poets from all over the world, from all genres, and many time periods, have used or likely will use an extended metaphor in one way or another. Dean Koontz, Seize the NightBobby Holloway says my imagination is a three-hundred-ring circus. Currently, I was in ring two hundred and ninety-nine, with elephants dancing and clowns cartwheeling and tigers leaping through rings of fire. The time had come to step back, leave the main tent, go buy some popcorn and a Coke, bliss out, cool down.Michael Chabon, The Yiddish Policemans UnionIt never takes longer than a few minutes, when they get together, for everyone to revert to the state of nature, like a party marooned by a shipwreck. That’s what a family is. Also the storm at sea, the ship, and the unknown shore. And the hats and the whiskey stills that you make out of bamboo and coconuts. And the fire that you light to keep away the beasts.Emily Dickinson, Hope Is the Thing With FeathersHope is the thing with feathersThat perches in the soul,And sings the tune- without the words,And never stops at all,And sweetest in the gale is heard;And sore must be the stormThat could abash the little birdThat kept so many warm.Ive heard it in the chillest land,And on the strangest sea;Yet, never, in extremity,It asked a crumb of me. Charles Dickens, The Mystery of Edwin DroodWhosoever has observed that sedate and clerical bird, the rook, may perhaps have noticed that when he wings his way homeward towards nightfall, in a sedate and clerical company, two rooks will suddenly detach themselves from the rest, will retrace their flight for some distance, and will there poise and linger; conveying to mere men the fancy that it is of some occult importance to the body politic, that this artful couple should pretend to have renounced connection with it.Similarly, service being over in the old Cathedral with the square tower, and the choir scuffling out again, and divers venerable persons of rook-like aspect dispersing, two of these latter retrace their steps, and walk together in the echoing Close.Henry James, The AmbassadorsUnless she hid herself altogether she could show but as one of these, an illustration of his domiciled and indeed of his confirmed condition. And the consciousness of all this in her charming eyes w as so clear and fine that as she thus publicly drew him into her boat she produced in him such a silent agitation as he was not to fail afterwards to denounce as pusillanimous. Ah dont be so charming to me!- for it makes us intimate, and after all what is between us when Ive been so tremendously on my guard and have seen you but half a dozen times? He recognized once more the perverse law that so inveterately governed his poor personal aspects: it would be exactly like the way things always turned out for him that he should affect Mrs. Pocock and Waymarsh as launched in a relation in which he had really never been launched at all. They were at this very moment- they could only be- attributing to him the full license of it, and all by the operation of her own tone with him; whereas his sole license had been to cling with intensity to the brink, not to dip so much as a toe into the flood. But the flicker of his fear on this occasion was not, as may be added, to repeat itself; it spran g up, for its moment, only to die down and then go out forever. To meet his fellow visitors invocation and, with Sarahs brilliant eyes on him, answer, was quite sufficiently to step into her boat. During the rest of the time her visit lasted he felt himself proceed to each of the proper offices, successively, for helping to keep the adventurous skiff afloat. It rocked beneath him, but he settled himself in his place. He took up an oar and, since he was to have the credit of pulling, pulled. Will Ferrell (Actor/Comedian), Commencement Address at Harvard University in 2003I graduated from the University of Life. All right? I received a degree from the School of Hard Knocks. And our colors were black and blue, baby. I had office hours with the Dean of Bloody Noses. All right? I borrowed my class notes from Professor Knuckle Sandwich and his teaching assistant, Ms. Fat Lip Thon Nyun. That’s the kind of school I went to for real, okay?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
World poverty Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
World poverty - Annotated Bibliography Example There are clear recommendations in the article that can help in combating these issues in the future. For instance, Andrew asserts that increasing literacy levels and offering employment may reduce poverty levels among the populations affected. In another perspective, the journal article addresses the impact of AIDS across the world and its effects on the international development. It further addresses how these effects have contributed to high poverty levels in the world. The journal article elaborates how AIDS impacts are experienced from a personal level, community level, household level, and international level. The article also addresses how the impacts of AIDS has resulted into high levels of mortality and increased rates of crude death. The purpose of the author in writing this journal article is to address the causes of high poverty levels as well as the suggested solutions to the same. The article asserts that the effects of AIDS on quality of education, and poor access to healthcare services are responsible for high poverty levels in the world; therefore any measures to curb this vice will automatically reduce the levels of poverty in the world. The journal article targets the whole world as the audience since poverty is a global issue. Finally, the journal article says that the increasing deaths in the population’s most productive segment impacts on both the quantity and quality of labor force, this according to Andrew is very costly to the world and results into high poverty levels. The author of the article is a specialist in world sociology; he has documented information about poverty in many other articles. His work is reliable due to the multiple other sources and references that he cited in his wor k. This source is relevant to my work as it addresses the major concerns of poverty and I will use it to highlight and cite the global poverty as a problem. According to Chartres and Varma, there is a major problem of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Strategic Human Resource Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Strategic Human Resource Assessment - Essay Example It has to be mentioned in this context that the first and the foremost strengths which companies often intend to obtain in order to compete in the market is efficient workforce through the enforcement of effective HRM strategies. In the contemporary era, Strategic HRM (SHRM) has been introduced in order to link the strategic objectives of the business with its HRM functions with the sole intention to reinforce crucial changes into its workforce which can in turn enhance its strategic positioning and competitive advantages within the industry structure over its rivals by a large extent (Deb, 2006). Based on this understanding, this paper would intend to illustrate the role of strategic HRM in improving the performance of the company (i.e. Rio Tinto) by a large extent. The paper would further evaluate the importance of strategic HRM in Rio Tinto Group within the Australian context proceeding through a critical literature review based on the significance and role of SHRM in the contempo rary managerial practices. Company Overview Rio Tinto is one of global largest companies in locating, mining as well as processing of the mineral resources. The vision of the company emphasizes on developing its products in a way which satisfies the need of the customers and also improves the standard of living of people all over the world. The company has its operations in around 40 countries including Australia with a total number of more than 77,000 people as employees in its worldwide dimensions. The company’s mission has been to build as well as maintain good relationship with the stakeholders associated with it. It has also been noticed that the company always seeks to contribute positively towards the society to secure a healthy relation with the community members. It has further been noticed in this context that the SHRM policies of the company changes in accordance to the requirement of its determined organizational objectives. The company runs a graduate level progr am through which it recruits educated and skilled workforces as per the requirement of its strategic planning. It is in this context that Rio Tinto is known to provide a competitive as well as a coordinative working condition to its employees in return for assurance of an improved performance (Rio Tinto, 2011). Role of Strategic HRM (SHRM) in Improving Organizational Performance SHRM mainly aims to enhance the performance of the business or the organization on a whole by encouraging different people associated with the company to work for the welfare of the organization to obtain the determined organizational objectives through shared values. It has often been argued in this context that SHRM typically helps to determine the strategic goals of the organizations in accordance with its internal strengths related to the workforce and therefore, assists managers to bind the HRM practices with its competitive objectives (Armstrong, 2008). It has been further learnt that SHRM is a planned pattern that is use for developing the human resource operations as well as activities to enable organizations to meet the determined goals (Darwish, 2009). It is worth mentioning in this context that SHRM practices, as applied in the modern era, functions on the basis of few key principles. Its foremost principle states that the objective or the goals of the company would have to be achieved through the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Leaders vs Managers Essay Example for Free
Leaders vs Managers Essay According to many scholars, management is a basically the implementation of already established processes such as planning, staffing, measuring performance and budgeting thereby enabling an organization to do well. On the other hand, leadership is entirely different. It can be described as taking an organization to the future, exploring and successfully exploiting opportunities that come up. Leadership is about having vision, empowerment and most importantly providing useful change in the organization. The main differences between leaders and managers are: the relationship between the followers and managers and leaders, how leaders and managers solve problems, and the difference in emotional intelligence between leaders and managers. Leaders and managers have a difference in emotional intelligence. A leader is an individual who strategizes a visionary and most importantly someone who inspires other people to greatness. In order to achieve this, while leading one must share their vision with the staff or people brought together to solve a problem or create a strategy. Leaders serve as role models, motivate their staff, inspire cooperation and create a community both inside and outside of the organization. They mostly follow their intuition which in most cases benefits the company and in most cases they gain followers who become loyal to them and the organization. This is a direct contradiction to managers who carry out their instructions by the book and follow the organization’s policy to the letter and as a result the staff may or may not be loyal to them. Even when the idea of a divinely appointed leader prevailed, there existed a contrary view that the leader was actually empowered by followers, this theory was analyzed by Thomas Paine â€Å"Titles are but nicknames†¦it is common opinion only that makes them anything or nothing . . . . [A]body of men, holding themselves accountable to nobody, ought not to be trusted by anybody†(1944, pp. 59-60, 63). Another major difference between leaders and managers is how their duties and relationship with their followers differ. A leader creates or rather innovates whilst the manager administers , meaning that the leader is the individual who comes up with fresh ideas in order to move the bulk of the organization into a new direction that is more beneficial and profitable. He has to come up with new strategies and tactics by keeping his focus on the horizon constantly. It is important for him to be updated on the latest trends as well as studies and the skill sets. Contrary to this, a manager simply maintains a system that has already been established and is in use. It is his duty to maintain control and ensure that things run normally and everyone in the staff is pulling their weight and contributing fully and effectively. One of the distinguishing characteristics of a typical manager is how dependent he is on the activities of a variety of other people to perform his job effectively. (Kotter, 1983, p. 360). He is rigid and unable to be creative in carrying out his duties, thereby barring him from being considered a business leader. According to Richard Rosenberg, (1992) one of the most profound examples of the difference between leaders and managers is how computers create significant changes in any organization. He illustrates how information is able to travel from top to bottom effectively without the intervention of managers somewhere in between. This shows how the difference between leaders and managers which is that managers are easily replaceable and in some cases they are not required at all to some extent. Leaders inspire greatness and effectiveness unlike managers who more or less rely on control. In other words, leadership is not what one does but actually how they respond to you. If people do not choose to join your cause then you cannot really be considered as a leader since they have inspired no one. If people do indeed join your cause then it would mean that you have inspired them, thereby creating a bond with them and the company, which is very important particularly if the organization or business is changing rapidly and needs people who believe in it to support its mission. Leaders and managers handle and prepare for problems in a different ways. Managers prepare themselves for turbulent times and during these times the primary task is to make sure that the organization’s capacity to survive and to ensure that the it maintains its structural strength as well as is capacity to survive failure and adapt as quickly as possible in the shortest time period (Peter D., 1980). Business leaders instill a staff loyalty that a manager cannot be able to because of his rigid methods and lack of spontaneity. In the case of managers, their primary job is to control their staff by aiding them to develop their assets and discover their greatest talents. In order to do this they have to know the people working for them and understand their abilities and interests. G. Lumsden (1982) describes how middle managers model themselves on top managers in a form of hierarchical mimicry: what happens is that the behavior inheritance persists. As it is passed down deeper in the organization, sans power, such behavior begins not to work so well. And at lower levels it gets muddied even further because it’s being used on individuals who don’t understand it, aren’t impressed by it, or are downright opposed to it. (p. 8) A leader focuses on the reasons why to make certain decision whereas a manager considers how and at what times decisions are made. Managers prefer to execute plans accordingly and maintain the status quo without deviating even when failures are experienced. If the company experienced failures, then a leader would learn from it and use it as a clarification point in order to get better and avoid losses in future. Levine and M. Crom (1993) in their book â€Å"The leader in you†highlight an example of leadership changes and state that â€Å"Good human relation skills have the ability to transform people from managing others to leading them. People can learn how to move from directing to guiding, from competing to collaborating and from operating under secrecy to one of sharing all of the information required, from a mode of passivity to a mode of risk taking, from one of regarding people as an expense to one of viewing people as an asset,†(P.15) In conclusion, management and leadership are not necessarily mutually exclusive. They are however different in that leadership entails inspiration as well as steering an organization whereas management is simply overseeing and delegating.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Disparity and Discrimination Essay example -- Race Racism Prejudice
Disparity and Discrimination According to Webster’s Dictionary, the proper definition for discrimination is: 1 a : the act of discriminating b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently 2 : the quality or power of finely distinguishing 3 a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment (Webster’s dictionary). Discrimination has been around for centuries and even though there have been improvements in the way society deals with discrimination, we still have a long way to go. One of the biggest problems in America today is racial discrimination. We see it happening all over the world and also we see how it affects our criminal justice system. For example, there have been many problems with police officers using racial profiling with mostly people of African American and Mexican decent. Police officers do pull over minorities more than they would if the person was white. Even though the minority races have a higher criminal rate compared to the white community, we should not be labeled automatically without reason or just cause. And we should not be treated any differently when you are comparing the two.      Another example of discrimination is what can happen in our court systems. For example, minorities may not be able to provide for a good lawyer, which leaves them to a public defender and in most cases, they e...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The product that we have chosen Is Blackberry smartened. The term BlackBerry refers to a line of wireless handheld devices and services designed and marketed by BlackBerry Limited, formerly known as Research In Motion Limited (RIM). Target Markets: Its target markets are Business professionals who opt for high security text messaging and E-mails.Productivity of BlackBerry and why It has Targeted the business professionals: During the early 20005, Research In Motion's Blackberry's were the most popular smartness In the world; since then, though, RIM's market hare In the Industry has been eaten up by Apple's Phone and Google's Android. Still, the BlackBerry remains a popular model amongst business professionals, as It offers not only a fast and powerful processor, but also Blackberry's Enterprise Services.This corporate email system makes it easy and convenient for professionals on-the-go to connect to their respective corporate email accounts and is undedicated by other major smartene d lines like the phone and Android. Visualize and risk taking strategy: Blackberry main strategy is how secure the customer data and E-mails with this agenda they mainly targeted the business professionals which can be called as a Niche market . With the development of new technology and o. The Android smart phones and phone devices which made the technology user friendly with millions of APS. These Android mobiles and phone has targeted each and every individual right from students who are interested in playing games but also the business professionals by integrating and synchronizing treachery in Motion's future grows iffier each quarter as it signs on fewer new customers and has had to discount large numbers of BlackBerry smartness and Playback tablets to clear inventory.The company revealed today that its revenue dropped 25 percent in the last fiscal quarter versus a year earlier, a decrease of $5. 6 billion. RIM executives said they were willing to explore other business models , such as licensing all or some BlackBerry technologies to other companies. Some Investors have suggested that RIM license or sell access to Its secure messaging network or Its BlackBerry Messenger instant messaging service.RIM has licensed there IBM services and made the app available In android and Los this made the Blackberry unique. Santos Krishna Surest shogun Blackberry By Crackerjacks messaging and E-mails. Productivity of BlackBerry and why it has Targeted the business professionals: During the early sass, Research in Motion's Blackberry's were the most popular smartness in the world; since then, though, RIM's market share in the industry has been eaten up by Apple's phone and Google's Android.Still, the BlackBerry remains a popular model amongst business professionals, as it offers not only a fast and powerful processor, but also BlackBerry's Enterprise agenda they mainly targeted the business professionals which can be called as a phones and ‘phone devices which made the technology user friendly with millions of PlayBook tablets to clear inventory.The company revealed today that its revenue as licensing all or some BlackBerry technologies to other companies. Some investors have suggested that RIM license or sell access to its secure messaging network or its services and made the app available in android and ISO this made the Blackberry
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Understanding by Design
Marnelli C. Joyosa January 19, 2013 BSED/ 011-0187 Understanding by Design’s Weaknesses 1. If you plan lessons that may broadly be described as open ended, based on standards, containing clear criteria for student success, include different ways to ensure student enthusiasm, flexible enough to accommodate the â€Å"teachable moment†, accessing the higher echelons of bloom’s taxonomy and integrating skills then the likelihood is you won’t learn anything new from understanding by design. . Creating a unit using the backward design planning process is not a neat, tidy or easy process. It is a recursive one; you will move back and forth across the curriculum map, making revisions and refinements each time you add something to a section of your planning. 3. Teachers think that â€Å"transfer†in UBD means applications to real life. They often â€Å"force†activities that are contrived.Sometimes applications are beyond students’ experiences . 4. â€Å"Other activities are impractical for huge classes. †5. Understanding alone can be detrimental to other skills. 6. â€Å"In UBD, knowing aims to come after understanding but in reality, understanding comes after knowing. †7. â€Å"Mandate that every teacher must use UBD for all of their planning immediately (without sufficient training, ongoing support or structured planning time).Provide one introductory presentation on UBD and assume that teachers now have the ability to implement UBD well. †8. Other teachers were not directly trained but were told to just follow the guides. Some did not get any guides, so they had to do â€Å"UBD-sounding†lesson plans on their own. 9. Many schools say they do not know what textbooks to use since current books are not â€Å"UBDized. †10. UBD’s process was not fine-tuned with consonant to an area or region’s context, needs and goals.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Arabic Loanwords In English
Arabic Loanwords In English Arabic Loanwords In English Arabic Loanwords In English By Sharon The Arabic language has contributed hundreds of words to the English language by many different routes. Thats partly because in what my daughter likes to call the olden days (from around 700AD to the Middle Ages), the Arabic kingdoms had a great influence on Europe and the world. In part this was through colonisation, but there were also many great mathematicians, alchemists and astronomers. Of course, language development is not that simple. Not all the words that have entered English via Arabic originate from that language. Linguistically speaking, the Arabs borrowed as freely as they lent and their language included words originating from Spanish, Latin, Greek, Persian, Hebrew and many others. Many of the words start with the Arabic definite article al, which also appears in silent form without the l in words such as admiral. Heres a list of some of the common words that the Arabic language has bequeathed to English. admiral adobe alchemy via Greek alcohol the quintessence of earthly substances, originally from alchemy alcove algebra restoration of missing parts, later used in a 9th century mathematical book written by a Persian scientist whose name gave us algorithm almanac amber apricot arsenal factory assassin hashish user artichoke aubergine burnoose via Latin caliber carat via Greek checkmate coffee possibly from the name Kefa, where the coffee plant originates cotton divan elixir medicinal potion, via Greek gauze from the Persian for raw silk gazelle genie giraffe harem hashish henna jasmine from Arabic via French kohl lilac, from Persian for indigo lime loofah lute magazine storehouse mocha named after a city in Yemen monsoon mummy via Persian muslin nadir orange safari from Arabic via Swahili saffron sequin sugar tamarind tariff typhoon zenith zero Theres a fun quiz on Arabic loan words here and more words can be found here. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsAbstract Nouns from AdjectivesPreposition Mistakes #3: Two Idioms
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What is Plotâ€Definition, Examples, and Expert Tips from Editors
What is Plots, and Expert Tips from Editors What is Plot? An Author's Guide to Storytelling So, what is a plot in fiction? Let's check your understanding with a pop quiz: which of the following is the best example of a plot?a. A boy finds a new family in a traveling circus run by orphans. b. An immigrant comes to the United States to start a new life. c. A king dies and then the queen dies out of grief. d. A high school girl discovers love from an unexpected source: a centuries-old vampire.If you picked c, you’re right.But what about a, b, and d? Well, strictly speaking, those are a mix of themes and premises, but the confusion is entirely understandable. Storytelling theory is packed with confusingly similar terms - and as you get further into the nuts and bolts of writing narrative, it helps to know the difference.This post is here to help make sure that you don’t lose the plot when you’re writing your own story. But before we get that far, let’s first define plot.What is plot?Plot is the chain of connected events that make up a narrative. It refers to what actually occurs in a story and is one of storytelling’s major pillars. Some will say that if characters are the who and theme is the why, then the plot is the what of the story. Remember that Goal + Flaw + Stakes = Compelling Narrative.Don’t forget about your character’s flaw, says editor Katie McCoach. â€Å"The flaw of a character must be the thing about them that needs to change in order to reach their goal at the end of the book, or another way of viewing it is to ask: what is their fear that keeps them from reaching their goals?†This should feed into the conflict of the story, which will be instrumental in guiding the structure.Don’t†¦Plot in a vacuum.Ever watch a movie or read a book where you shook your head because the characters were acting â€Å"out-of-character†? That author probably fell into one of the biggest temptations of plotting: letting the plot drive the characters. Avoid that, warns Aja Pollock, a former editor at Simon Schuster:â€Å"A lot of authors get the outline in their minds, but when the desires of their characters don't align with where the plot is going, rather than adjusting the plot or rethinking the characters, they shoehorn their characters into situations that don't make sense.†In other words, even plot twists need to make sense first and foremost. Forcing the plot along will result in characters who behave falsely in readers' eyes - which will make the whole story seem hollow.What's your experience with plotting a book? Have any questions about anything related to plot? Leave us your thoughts in the comments below!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Economic climate of the local area of Stockton- On-Tees Essay
Economic climate of the local area of Stockton- On-Tees - Essay Example It is critical for any nation to take effective measures in promoting mental health and ensuring that there are platforms introduced to promote community wellbeing. Healthcare providers and social workers need to recognize that they need to understand the types of service users they work with. Moreover, it is imperative to analyse the effects of inequalities in the mental health of service users. This paper will offer a detailed analysis of how inequalities have the capacity to affect the mental health of patients. It is impossible to set aside the concept of mental health without involving other aspects of overall health. Therefore, the determinants of mental health are closely linked to factors that contribute to the overall wellbeing. Some of the factors that determine mental health are personal and may range from genetic factors, exercise, diet, relationships, as well as ones perception towards events. Other factors are both social and depend on the community, such as family structures, isolation, deprivation, as well as friends (Awayout.co.uk 2015, n.p). Other societal and environmental conditions have the capacity to affect the mental health of an individual. Such factors include unemployment levels, equalities and inequalities, health care provision, the level of education, and social connectedness. Demographic factors such as gender, ethnicity, as well as age have also been characterized as potential mental health determinants. Risk factors denote any characteristics or attributes that increase an individual’s susceptibility to a certain disease or problem. Risk factors associated with mental health problems include drug abuse, alcoholism, homelessness, being overweight, and minimal physical activities. The population of Stockton-On-Tees is 192, 000 and includes Billingham, Stockton, Thornton, Yarm, Norton, Thornaby, and Ingleby Barwick areas. When comparing the health of the people in Stockton-On-Tees to the rest of England, it showed that
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